Its Deleo, and I screw jamie too. alot.DeLeo.
Its Deleo, and I screw jamie too. alot.DeLeo.
stillTim Deleo, by far. Read it, he is the man.
Ok, we get all the bullshit posts of disgruntled jackasses that love to talk shit about the managers that probably just called them out for the lazy, pieces of shit that they are...
Now lets see some people stick up for the good ones out there..
T Aniska.... oh wait... he's a rep;
Derek Brewer
This guy sucks, go back to Milwaukee loser.Derek is hands down the best. no question. We miss you in Milwaukee Brewer!
This guy sucks, go back to Milwaukee loser.
this guy still has a job?!
This is no joke. There's something about a manager who treats his reps like trustworthy, responsible adults.
Derek Brewer: no power trip, just made up of good'ol confidence, loyalty and personality. DM's like this just earn respect by being good people. Way too few and far between. Derek: come back to Wisconsin anytime!