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Helen B. has had major issues around her iron fisted, Nazi like leadership style but all in all her methods have represented Novartis as the "Place to Be" employer. We should all be blessed to have Helen as a leader as Novartis strives for greatness in this tough economy!!! Way to go Helen!!!!

GTF Outta Here!!!

Janine Fermanian is by far one of the best managers out there...understands what a rep needs and what they don't need, has carried the bag and fights for her people...a real gem.

I have had 9 in 13 years and my favorite was Rod Salazer. He made you feel appreciated and could empathize with all the bs. I would trade anyone in the region for him anyday. Just a matter of time beforre he gets sick of it all and quits.

I have had 9 in 13 years and my favorite was Rod Salazer. He made you feel appreciated and could empathize with all the bs. I would trade anyone in the region for him anyday. Just a matter of time beforre he gets sick of it all and quits.

I thought he quit a after Cinci. He's a great guy who probably will leave when he can't stand it anymore. Worked with him 5 yrs ago. My mgr now is 3hunder Dan. Whata tool.

I worked with Salazar too. He is a great manager, filtered out the crap, and with the other managers under CG he really stands out. He is young so I suspect he will move on when he no longer can stomach the crap

I worked with Salazar too. He is a great manager, filtered out the crap, and with the other managers under CG he really stands out. He is young so I suspect he will move on when he no longer can stomach the crap

Salazar was my favorite. He was our pod sponsor and very funny. My podmate reported directly to him and loved it cause he treated everyone as equals and doesn't pretend to be smarter than everyone. Because of that, I think he just might be. He once had one of his reps call me for advice and I thought that was a good manager technique to gain credibility and impact.