This is from an investors standpoint. With the Opioid epidemic in this country, Anjeso is exactly what we need on the market. Hence, why I invested. I agree with the statement above about replacing sales reps and your statement also about how important they are. In fact, I believe they are so important that they are responsible for the lacking sales numbers. It's ridiculous that this company can only sell $200K in a quarter of a non-opioid pain treatment when we're still recovering from an opioid epidemic. So, as a business person I'd look at keeping a percentage of the top sales reps in regions for continuity and then replacing the rest. As a new company you can't afford to continue paying non performers, its just not smart business. There are unemployed sales reps out there that can make it happen and it's a great time to be hiring.
You missed the entire point of my post. Also you clearly know nothing of the selling environment of working in a Pandemic. It’s more than just physical access issues and I don’t have time to teach you about that. The point I’ll repeat so maybe you’ll get it this time is that the “Directors of National Accounts” have been on board for three years. THREE YEARS. That’s even prior to the pandemic and they’ve had ample time to prime the market to get a good many of the big systems signed on. They failed. The reps were asked to launch literally in the middle of a pandemic. Many reps have already been laid off. Now lay off the Ntl Accounts reps bc they’re expensive and they’re not adding at all to the bottom line. Other companies like Acacia (who also took a while to finally get approval) for example already had system wins prior to the reps coming on board. That’s bc those managers and Ntl Account peeps got out there and worked it. Baudax who was once Recro has had way more time to accomplish this. Instead they’ve intended on riding the coattails of the reps when they came in and secured wins. If people in the leadership roles are as sub-par as they are then the reps are going to follow precedence. If you invested in this company you may want to consider another gig.

You missed the entire point of my post. Also you clearly know nothing of the selling environment of working in a Pandemic. It’s more than just physical access issues and I don’t have time to teach you about that. The point I’ll repeat so maybe you’ll get it this time is that the “Directors of National Accounts” have been on board for three years. THREE YEARS. That’s even prior to the pandemic and they’ve had ample time to prime the market to get a good many of the big systems signed on. They failed. The reps were asked to launch literally in the middle of a pandemic. Many reps have already been laid off. Now lay off the Ntl Accounts reps bc they’re expensive and they’re not adding at all to the bottom line. Other companies like Acacia (who also took a while to finally get approval) for example already had system wins prior to the reps coming on board. That’s bc those managers and Ntl Account peeps got out there and worked it. Baudax who was once Recro has had way more time to accomplish this. Instead they’ve intended on riding the coattails of the reps when they came in and secured wins. If people in the leadership roles are as sub-par as they are then the reps are going to follow precedence. If you invested in this company you may want to consider another gig.

It’s true very little GPO work was initiated prior to launch. Some DNAs were hired who had no GPO or IDN contacts in their area. But, the bottom line is Baudax has no compelling clinical data to overcome Anjeso’s cost. This would’ve been a hard sell prior to COVID, but the pandemic makes it impossible.

This is from an investors standpoint. With the Opioid epidemic in this country, Anjeso is exactly what we need on the market. Hence, why I invested. I agree with the statement above about replacing sales reps and your statement also about how important they are. In fact, I believe they are so important that they are responsible for the lacking sales numbers. It's ridiculous that this company can only sell $200K in a quarter of a non-opioid pain treatment when we're still recovering from an opioid epidemic. So, as a business person I'd look at keeping a percentage of the top sales reps in regions for continuity and then replacing the rest. As a new company you can't afford to continue paying non performers, its just not smart business. There are unemployed sales reps out there that can make it happen and it's a great time to be hiring.
Opioids wasn't the topic of discussion for the past year my friend. A little something called COVID19 was front & center. Ever heard of it?? Yeah... well strangely as a result physical access, budgets and even surgeries were severely effected. Someone else already made the point that the DNA's squandered two full years prior when they could've made some headway. Unfortunately for you as an investor... this was probably a bad time to invest in this company with this product. Instead of trying to school us on what will produce more dollars such as fire more sales reps maybe you should review an "Investing for Dummies" course. Just a thought.