Bacterin Biologics

This all brings to mind a classic scence in Forrest Gump...Run you bastards run....

Dan and anyone else considering working for bacterin, get a clue..
There is a reason why there are no positive comments on Bacterin. The problems are numerous and I don't even wanna count how many negative comments were on this thread. Guy Cook's nickname is "Guy Crook", then you have Mousy Molly who looks good coming but once she opens that mouth, I promise she'll look better leaving, and then the Taggart bros..where to start. (classic example of good cop bad cop)

Bacterin's sales model is to hire reps from the AIMS training center in Denver throw em on the streets and if they make it in 90 days so be it, if they don't it wasn't meant to be. When you receive your new hire packet you'll notice that insurance options don't kick in until after you have been there six months, thats because they plan on chewing you up and spitting you to the side before six months are up. Some time around six months is when you can expect to receive compensation for any expenses you turn in..

If you take a territorial management position you can look forward to your distributors constantly calling and asking when they will get paid (it's never been on time), You can expect to be expected to sell products without any literature or brochures and you can expect to make many many unreturned calls to Molly the Marketing gal.. You may expect to see fellow workers let go for unexplained reason and You should expect instances where upper management is in your territory (without your knowledge) doing deals with the devil (like medical advisory positions and consulting positions that pay surgeons in stock certificates, even distributors) that you end up having to undo because they were over promised... Oh, and I dont wanna even talk about their latest Voluntary product withdrawl...
and the fact that several flagship products are always on backorder. The Turnover in sales is also reflective of how things are handled in house..Huge turnover rates there as well...

I can tell you from observance and experience that Bacterin has problems, many many problems and the number one problem they have sits at the helm.. Where else in America can you find the CEO's wife (Sue Cook) as director of HR....really ?

This company was built on sand, pure and simple....

Very simply, read what others say, learn from their experiences and don't make the same mistake so many others have.

Happy ex-employee

Another post trashing management from a disgruntled former employee, how unuusal a post on Cafepharma.

And yet, Bacterin continues to crush it. $ 7 mm in '09, 15mm '10, 30mm '11, 55+mm guidance for '12. Isn't it embarrasing being wrong all the time? This board has predicted the end of bacterin since '09.

Not one single redeeming quality in any Bacterin manager? You should look in the mirror and see what is wrong with yourself. You got fired for a reason, hard to believe you didn't succeed with your attituted towards your co-workers.

Happy you're gone too.

Another post trashing management from a disgruntled former employee, how unuusal a post on Cafepharma.

And yet, Bacterin continues to crush it. $ 7 mm in '09, 15mm '10, 30mm '11, 55+mm guidance for '12. Isn't it embarrasing being wrong all the time? This board has predicted the end of bacterin since '09.

Not one single redeeming quality in any Bacterin manager? You should look in the mirror and see what is wrong with yourself. You got fired for a reason, hard to believe you didn't succeed with your attituted towards your co-workers.

Happy you're gone too.

Crush it?

Lets see how those how those third quarter earnings come in champ, lets see if the Taggart Bros are victorious in overturning the rouge management That the Crook has reigned champion over for so long. Hey, is it any coincident that as soon as Guy makes an announcement that the company has made history with the largest processing month ever know to man they also have the first "Voluntary Market With drawl" (Some people call it a recall)....Is it any coincident That Jesus left just before Guy decided to run processing and spout such a meaningless diatribe, I think not but lets hear the spin on that?

Is it any coincident that Bacterin hasn't made any new news announcements on the financial boards since 8/24..No, I think not...

There will always be good guys and bad guys, guess which one you are, I think you know but I do predict you'll put your foot in your mouth pretty soon, again.

You know why they hire Sales people from AIMS? because they are new to the industry and have not heard all the true but negative stories about this absolute sham of a company.....

Makes you wonder just what in the Hell they are cooking up in the mountains of Montana...

Can't wait to see what those third quarter earnings look like!
I don't predict the end of Bacterin, I just predict that it'll dwindle back into the abyss that it came from and continue to lurk in the dark corners of biologics..

Seriously GUYs, you can only spout your meaningless accomplishments for so long before the greater population understands what a complete moron you are....

Happily Evermore,

Another post trashing management from a disgruntled former employee, how unusual a post on Cafepharma.

And yet, Bacterin continues to crush it. $ 7 mm in '09, 15mm '10, 30mm '11, 55+mm guidance for '12. Isn't it embarrasing being wrong all the time? This board has predicted the end of bacterin since '09.

Not one single redeeming quality in any Bacterin manager? You should look in the mirror and see what is wrong with yourself. You got fired for a reason, hard to believe you didn't succeed with your attituted towards your co-workers.

Happy you're gone too.

Hey There Josh, gonna post some more paychecks? Company gonna make you the top rep again by handing hundreds of thousands in sales again at the last minute. BTW get your facts straight, 14 mil, not 15 and How in the Hell will Bacterin meet their 30M quota by end of year? You guys gonna sell 5M a Month for the next quarter? Good luck doing that with your market recall, lack of talent, back orders and lack of true IP..and lets not even talk about true competition...Your a joke

Happy Trails to you, until we meet again and we will.


You must have been fired for being stupid too. They have 13.5 in hirst half, so they need 2.7mil a month, not 5 to hit 30. And they affirmed guidance 3 weeks ago. Yeah, crushing it. Name one company in the space with similar growth. Top reps making 250k plus a year, they are eating your lunch, i can see why you are pissed.

You must go through life wondering why others succeed and you constantly fail. It because you are a loser trying to tear down the succesful.

See you in the arena. Winning, duh.

Hey 2:33, get your facts stright, 2010 revenues were 15,418,000.

Let me guess, you were fired for lack of attention to detail.

This is too easy, like kicking a dog. Im sorry you are so stupid, it really is unfair.

Im surprised you could pass the mensa questions required to post. How embarrasing, the letter cat starts with what letter? I guess second derivitives would drive the post rate to zero.

Good God, You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Has anyone ever heard of anyone leaving Bacterin that wasn't disgruntled. I think not....

I have never heard anything really good about this company....

Hey 2:33, get your facts stright, 2010 revenues were 15,418,000.

Let me guess, you were fired for lack of attention to detail.

This is too easy, like kicking a dog. Im sorry you are so stupid, it really is unfair.

Im surprised you could pass the mensa questions required to post. How embarrasing, the letter cat starts with what letter? I guess second derivitives would drive the post rate to zero.

OK, I've stood by long enough and cant help but say something here

Kicking a dog....or Bilking old Navy vets out of their life savings, Yeah R.H.T. I read all about it online. Besides, what makes you fools think I was fired. I'm stuck still selling this shit!

but not for long......

So much for posting fraudulent numbers, I've seen em cooked and cooked again. Is there any reason distributors do not get commision reports or paid on time?

If you are still working at Bacterin, and are unhappy, have an iota of self respect and quit.

What type of loser doesnt have the balls to quit, obviously you arent doing well. Its just a matter of time before you get fired for lack of sales.

Do everyobe a favor, grow some balls and quit.

Please, please, please, quit.

Whats the sum of 3 and 4. Unbelievable..... And still, half of the posters couldnt get it right.

Fraudulent numbers? They are a public company with multiple audits, you are a lying POS.

Go screw yourself with your continued lies, you will burn in hell. And you are the one that should be ashamed.

Whats the sum of 3 and 4. Unbelievable..... And still, half of the posters couldnt get it right.

Fraudulent numbers? They are a public company with multiple audits, you are a lying POS.

Go screw yourself with your continued lies, you will burn in hell. And you are the one that should be ashamed.

It's a no spam verification question and if you do not answer it correctly you can not post. Don't consider yourself a genius because you can answer it, it's already obvious you lack intelligence by the choice of your employer.

Looks like thing are not all well here...

Still no Answers as to why distributors never receive commission checks on time or a commission statement?

I don't believe a commission report has ever been generated for anyone selling for Bacterin, distributor or direct rep. Ask for one, and you may get a target on your back. It's the Bacterin way...


I hear they let another RVP leave yesterday. These people have more defectors than Cuba has had in the last 18 months. I've never seen a company this top heavy with inexperience sales force as industry leaders.

I heard that they are working incognito with a Top Globus Spine exec who is still under a non compete. It's crazy the people they insulate themselves with.

Still stuck

You jackoffs who think Bacterin is doing well just because they are growing revenue are dumber than a claw hammer. Even Cook knows the road to bankruptcy is a straight shot if one is just growing revenues. Profitability is the key and they can just keep selling overseas if they want to grow revenue. No profits however.

Look at their litigation history. Look at their turnover. Look at the number of agents who get screwed. You can hear on their conf. calls what they are planning to do to their agents. How did you like hearing about the 85% retention rate of surgeons!! Damn that is funny.

This is the fourth or fifth generation of Bacterin sales teams. They come and they go.

Kudos to Cook as he has granted himself 13 millions shares..and if he can even get fifty cents on the dollar ..well then screw everyone else. ha ha

Commission reports are sent out every week to every RVP. There was a payroll stub posted for 247K. You are just jealous that a real salesperson succeeds where you fail.

Oh come on man, you know thats a lie, commission reports are not sent out to every RVP every week.. You liar and Bacterin has never sent one single commission report to any of its distributors, ever...

And lets see these latest payroll stubs and see how you superstars are doing now....

Yes it is difficult but not impossible. The product is better than others in some areas and equal but cost significantly less in others. The company has multiple products for multiple call points which gives us flexibility. Next time you find a 200-250k job that is easy in this economy let me know but this job is fun and workable. By the way it is indicated in Cervical spine fusion unlike others that cause problems.

Ok Folks and listen up. Here is the real skinny

Starting in 2009 and through a portion of 2010 there were a select few (3-4) direct sales reps making around 250K a year. They since have moved on or have been "promoted" into loftier RVP positions, yet these same individuals now make far less than they did before and the direct reps that filled their vacancies are no where near the same in earnings as these previous “superstars”, why?

These superstars were handed hundreds and thousands in last minute sales in 2009 from what most companies would call house accounts and or were fortunate enough to be handed territories that consisted predominatly of paid (Surgical advisory board members AKA Paid Dr’s) SAB surgeons. Reason being, so that the company could parade them around in front of the remaining and struggling direct sales force at the National sales meeting in Las Vegas, January 2010 in effort to encourage them that they could do it too, it’s amazing to think of how many direct sales people received warning letters in the weeks following the National sales meeting. These superstars are really nothing more than company mouhpieces and parrots.

But Josh, Smile....You were a "Superstar"

Come-on lets see that check stub now