Bacterin Biologics

I used to sell Biologics only and I can tell you it is very, very difficult if you don't have "metal" in your bag! The above poster is absolutely correct, it's hard to get into a case because the rep who the surgeon is using for his metal also has a biologic, guranteed. Also, there are probably about 5 different biologics on the shelf at the hospital so the doc can just call for one of those if his rep doesn't have one on hand. Good luck getting your product on the shelf as hospitals are looking to streamline this PAR level. Not trying to sound negative, just the reallity of this type sale having did it for more than two years. Now having said all that, if you can get on with Medtronic selling Infuse, then that's a different story. They have their own sales force for Infuse and the reps do very well because there is no competition, it has a very high price point, and the docs love it! GL

thr oop id bs if you cant get into the or you need to change jobs. Metal has nothing to do with it be a good sales rep with big c o c k/ your in:)

Sales growth of 50% quarter over quarter growth. I hear they were up 150% january over january month. Watch the Rymed relationshipt this year as well. Weak sisters getting out. Great time to buy!!

I visited the Bacterin home office near Bozeman about 3 years ago. I was there to attempt to discuss becoming the VP of Sales for that company. Guy Cook proceeded to tell me that he was going to hire 20 direct sales reps, and manage them himself! I asked him if he had any previous sales or sales management experience, and he said no. Needless to say, this experiment in futility did not last long, and he pissed away a couple of million dollars.

What was very evident from our conversation, was that Cook is paranoid of anyone below him. He likes to have his hands in every aspect of the company, and fears hiring underlings with talent, because they will expose his ineptness to the board. It is simply amazing that this guy has been able to keep his job. He may be the most unimpressive CEO I have ever known.

This company will fail with Cook at the helm.

I too had the same meeting with cook. what is amazing is someone with his level of competency has at least managed to backdoor a company onto the least for now. Take a look at their D&B report.

18 million dollar loss for 2010 does not spell success. Plus when you have finance guys and former mortgage brokers running the show it make for a poor sales model. They are really clueless. Guy Cook is a jack ass and Robert T. thinks he's a gangster, totally clueless and never carried a bag in his life.

The only thing I would give Cook credit for....his amazing ability to get people to invest in his outrageous projections and promises of the more reps we hire, the more zillions in sales we create. People have consistently bought into it. Unbelievable.

The only thing I would give Cook credit for....his amazing ability to get people to invest in his outrageous projections and promises of the more reps we hire, the more zillions in sales we create. People have consistently bought into it. Unbelievable.

Agreed, at some point investors have to look at the numbers, not the hype. The track record of loss speaks to the mounting evidence of misleading statements, poor management and exaggerated value of the products.

Re: 2010

Amazing performance and stock is reflecting it...then again GC had to do a reverse IPO to be listed on any board.

Sales $15 mil Losses $18 mil. It is a cash furnace