B-Russell Sprout the hatchet man for Derm

I remember when bRussell Sprout was the RBD for the simponi subq team. Since there was only 1 RBD in the country for this tiny sales force he would win p-club every year by default. No RBD should be winning these awards when there are usually only 2-3 of them.

And then the infamous conference call when he described his hemorrhoid surgery in disgusting detail while the brown-nosing Jen and Jeanine pretended to be fascinated. “Wow Bob, you’re a hero to the team for undergoing that.”

The only thing they all had to sacrifice was their dignity. And integrity.

This is classic! Get a mattress to sleep on, delivered via a motorcycle, now sell Tremfya. Who the hell uses an analogy like this. You CANNOT make this stuff up.

During a regional call, B-Sprout told us all a great story. He recently married a young woman, and traveled with her to meet her parents for the first time. they live in a small village in Vietnam, and to his surprise part of the culture is not sleeping on a mattress. They sleep on some sort of wooden furniture. Unfortunately, he could not last a night, and spent the entire next day having his new in-laws help search for a mattress. The only mattress for sale was a few villages over and was the only mattress they could find in a 25 mile radius. Unfortunately, the next task involved trying to find someone to deliver it as no one had a truck in the village to get this to B-Sprout. They were able to find a guy with a motorcycle willing to strap this mattress to his motorcycle to make this delviery happen. Then Sprout explained that with this ultimate determination to get this mattress delivered by motorcycle from a few villages away, is the same determination we need to sell Tremfya.

Had a field ride with him and took him to see my largest customer. He said all the wrong things and got us kicked out. His corny sales tactics don't work in the real world, they actually piss people off. He is the only person I have had with me on a field ride that made things worse, then hopped on his flight home like he had a great day in the field. Very disconnected from reality. He needs to be placed into a position that has the least amount of customer interactions.

Sprout is good for a laugh on a conference call as he tries to sell his Kool-Aid, but it is time to rotate him out to get someone more relevant and impactful into this position.

He is out of touch with reality when it comes to selling. Maybe his sales tactics worked in 1980, but they are useless now. As someone does the same job with the same approach for decades without evolving, they become outdated. We need a fresh person with a fresh approach in this role. No one respects Sprout. Without his RBD title he would have zero fanfare. This region has suffered with 2 of the worst RBDs in a row, and it is no surprise Skyrizi is doing well. I think we were better off with a vacant RBD as these managers are very self sufficient.

Absolutely. Because he was a multiple President’s Circle winner, mind you the only RBD. Leaders above thought he could turn this region around. Epic fail. Time to move on to someone who is more relatable to the current environment. Stop recycling these people.

All of those P-club wins should be forfeited when he was the one and only RBD. It was merely a participation award as a monkey could have won just as easily when there is only one single person eligible to win. Most of the other years he won there were only 2 or 3 RBDs, which means the odds were 1 in 2 or 1 in 3 to win. Far from being a top 10% performer. It is better to be lucky than good in this industry, and Sprout is the poster child for this type of lucky success.