
Can you give any specifics on the comp package?
Why is the territory open?
What % do they expect you to grow the territory?
Will you be an "employee at will"? or fall under the laws of Ohio?

No clue on laws.

they said comp plan was 130-170.

havent spoken to them about the past or growth yet only spoke with a headhunter

After reviewing the previous 8 pages of posted comments about axogen, I think it's fair to say anyone with even the smallest hint of intelligence can figure out the problems and concerns here are substantial and real. If ANY recruiter or employee of axogen states you are looking at 130-170k, I'd ask them exactly how they were related to Hilary. Avg 1st yr 85-95k, maybe 110k if you get extremely lucky. Anything more than that is pure 100% Grade A bullsh@@!

Quota -
How are they derived?

Milestone - are you rewarded for achieving them?

Good Luck

Out of thin fuc.....g air, that's how.
No, there is no incentive for achieving a set objective or an incremental incentive for milestones over that.

Come on, they are the bottom dwellers of the bush leagues when it comes to taking care of their reps.

Is the CFO Peter Mariani, and is his base salary really $320K?

Did he receive a signing bonus of $15k?

As of March. You have to laugh at this group of top end whores. They have balls the size of Dallas. Anyone who has ever worked at Axg know the story with this group and the absolute deplorable manner in which reps are treated and compensated. These fu@@s are always complaining about money being tight and have yet to turn a profit but, there is always plenty of money for the so called "execs" ( douchebags) to pay themselves outrageous salaries at the expense of the ones who do all the work. I think the term is rape. Hey, KZ, GF, SM, and the rest - GFY.

So really. What's the deal here. Is this company simply going through a growth spurt and it's frustrating. Or will this become the golden goose and grow where reps will eventually be compensated? What is compensation these days? Are there bonuses or is the expanded payout after hitting last years sales number/plan pretty much it?

So really. What's the deal here. Is this company simply going through a growth spurt and it's frustrating. Or will this become the golden goose and grow where reps will eventually be compensated? What is compensation these days? Are there bonuses or is the expanded payout after hitting last years sales number/plan pretty much it?

Have you read any of the previous posts? If not, please do so, they will enlighten you as to the behavior of management at this company. Has KZ collected over $5 million in compensation to date???

So really. What's the deal here. Is this company simply going through a growth spurt and it's frustrating. Or will this become the golden goose and grow where reps will eventually be compensated? What is compensation these days? Are there bonuses or is the expanded payout after hitting last years sales number/plan pretty much it?

WTF! The answers to your dumndass questions have been addressed multiple times in the previous 8 pages of posts. Looks like you are a perfect Axogen candidate.

So really. What's the deal here. Is this company simply going through a growth spurt and it's frustrating. Or will this become the golden goose and grow where reps will eventually be compensated? What is compensation these days? Are there bonuses or is the expanded payout after hitting last years sales number/plan pretty much it?

Does anyone know of any relative/coworker/friend who has had peripheral nerve repair?

How big is this market they keep talking about? Or does the market comprise all nerve repair (spinal cord/chronic pain). I find the projected size of the market opportunity very hard to swallow?

Is this something an orthopedic company like STRYKER would buy?

Here's the thing - nerve repair doesn't mean they will use a conduit. Direct suture is the gold standard. The advance nerve graft is great. That is why someone may want this company. Not for axoguard.
Stryker has a collagen conduit so they would only be interested in the cadavaric nerve graft.
Their nerve conduit is a rip off of integra though. And they are the only ones with actual data