I'm probably jumping in on this stock today. I really believe in Pantheris BTK and Mr Soinski's visionary prowess. This company will not fold and will only get stronger.
I'm probably jumping in on this stock today. I really believe in Pantheris BTK and Mr Soinski's visionary prowess. This company will not fold and will only get stronger.
I'm probably jumping in on this stock today. I really believe in Pantheris BTK and Mr Soinski's visionary prowess. This company will not fold and will only get stronger.
I agree, jumping in on this WINNER now.
I'm probably jumping in on this stock today. I really believe in Pantheris BTK and Mr Soinski's visionary prowess. This company will not fold and will only get stronger.
Agreed - to be able to get in on this for 73 cents is a steal. Can only go up
Agreed - to be able to get in on this for 73 cents is a steal. Can only go up
Agreed - to be able to get in on this for 73 cents is a steal. Can only go up
Can only go up huh? It's now at .65 and dropping.
It will be at .30 by end of trading. Rumor has it there will be a fire sale by next month
You lonely fuck, stop talking to yourself
You are a complete dumb moron. Avinger will not exist soon. Soinski is a moron too.
`It appears we are not talking to ourselves as you all keep replying...Avinger is finished. Buy all the stock you want! You are just making donations now.
This is an unprecedented opportunity to buy into a stock that is sure to rise. We have seen the bottom and it's all upside. I could easily see an acquisition at $4 or $5 (which is cheap). The strategy is sound. Restructure and focus on profitable markets, once acquired by Abbott shift the products into the vascular bag. Get in now folks, the stock won't be here for long.No public offering, they have cash for 2017 and 3rd Gen + 6fr devices during that time, yet PT is 1$??
What gives ?
Soinski is the CEO OF A MAJOR COMPANY, how do you call him a moron you anonymous cyber bully?