Aurinia Pharmaceuticals

Congratulations on getting hired.
I’ve been invested in this company for years and excited for V approval and launch.
Please continue to post to let us know how things are going.
Quite frankly, was hoping company got bought out after approval and DES data coming out to reward long time shareholders- but still excited to see how things play out.

Congratulations on getting hired.
I’ve been invested in this company for years and excited for V approval and launch.
Please continue to post to let us know how things are going.
Quite frankly, was hoping company got bought out after approval and DES data coming out to reward long time shareholders- but still excited to see how things play out.

Go back to a stocktwits u loser! Nobody cares about ur buyout so u can make quick $. Get lost

Go back to a stocktwits u loser! Nobody cares about ur buyout so u can make quick $. Get lost

Typical ExAmgen response, total fucking loser. Why not applaud the person who took a risk in generating revenue so you overpaid halfwits could get hired. Glad Gilead has the answer to your misery is coming.

Congratulations on getting hired.
I’ve been invested in this company for years and excited for V approval and launch.
Please continue to post to let us know how things are going.
Quite frankly, was hoping company got bought out after approval and DES data coming out to reward long time shareholders- but still excited to see how things play out.

Would be a good fit for FMC-Vifor to acquire, they know how to launch a drug with long term skin in the game and patient protocols with referral operations already established. Not keen on postings of what this company is paying reps. while our stock makes corrections from highs over $20, cash burn rate is substantial. Leadership better deliver or we can force a change via proxy.

Go back to a stocktwits u loser! Nobody cares about ur buyout so u can make quick $. Get lost
Quick buck? Alrighty than. I’ve been invested in company for about 6 years, including during the phase 2 deaths that destroyed share price. I’ve put up with more dilution than I would of liked, to fund all the trials and this launch. I believe this company will succeed no matter what they decide.
For all the other hires, I sincerely wish you the best of success. For this turd, I hope ILJIN starts buying up the stock again and forces a sale.

Congratulations on getting hired.
I’ve been invested in this company for years and excited for V approval and launch.
Please continue to post to let us know how things are going.
Quite frankly, was hoping company got bought out after approval and DES data coming out to reward long time shareholders- but still excited to see how things play out.

I think you are going to be very happy how things play out. We have a top notch sales team from top to bottom. These guys know what they are doing and know how to drive sales.

I think you are going to be very happy how things play out. We have a top notch sales team from top to bottom. These guys know what they are doing and know how to drive sales.

Top notch sales team, laughable! Only time will tell, didn’t need a sales force to sell epo, in fact your Amgen sales team caused an FDA change in the usage label, way to go big shot, through your aggressiveness you actually wound up killing people but you were paid a bonus and your FMC units received another plaque. Additionally, you didn’t need a sales force to sell a heavy discounted renal portfolio to DaVita or FMC. Branded products sold for less than the generic competitor and other products given away for free as a cherry on top of the ice cream cone, who does that?

What has been put together is a bunch of over inflated skill sets and drunkard good old boy network is all that you have, do you guys also swop wives and wipe each other’s asses? Gilead on the other hand has the better compound, cash to support and already has a team with knowledge to get the job done. Yes, if approved you will make it to the market first but like the tortoise and the hare principle will insure Aurinia will be just another flash in the pan.

I think you are going to be very happy how things play out. We have a top notch sales team from top to bottom. These guys know what they are doing and know how to drive sales.

Overpriced reps for sure. I can only imagine the burn rate with perhaps the highest priced sales force in pharma history. Not to mention the layers of expensive directors. Burning through millions a qtr without a single sale. On top of that too many reps per area calling on the two smallest specialties. Reps will be on top of each with not a lot to do. Is the goal to weed out 50% of the reps in 6-9 months? Keep the cream? But, I'd take the money too and hope for the best. Better outsell the rep next to your territory because they're only going to keep one of you

Top notch sales team, laughable! Only time will tell, didn’t need a sales force to sell epo, in fact your Amgen sales team caused an FDA change in the usage label, way to go big shot, through your aggressiveness you actually wound up killing people but you were paid a bonus and your FMC units received another plaque. Additionally, you didn’t need a sales force to sell a heavy discounted renal portfolio to DaVita or FMC. Branded products sold for less than the generic competitor and other products given away for free as a cherry on top of the ice cream cone, who does that?

What has been put together is a bunch of over inflated skill sets and drunkard good old boy network is all that you have, do you guys also swop wives and wipe each other’s asses? Gilead on the other hand has the better compound, cash to support and already has a team with knowledge to get the job done. Yes, if approved you will make it to the market first but like the tortoise and the hare principle will insure Aurinia will be just another flash in the pan.

you sound jealous you didn't get an offer...haha Gilead. I'll leave it at that.

I'm a rep at $196k...but 16 years experience in Rheum and proven thought leader relationships.

Congrats. You and your salary are the poster child for why the progressives hate pharma and everyone else complains about the cost of drugs. For what you add to health care, you're expendable. You're an added expense that causes people to eat dog food just to buy their meds.You need to check your self importance at the door. Same with you Aurina, sponging off the orphan drug benefit. Pharma marketing is finally coming to an end under Binden and Kamala. Not a moment too soon as we see salaries with companies like Aurina sky rocketing. 60 minutes and Dateline need to investigate you guys


ok sounds great but who are you going to call on?
no one wants to sit through Zoom calls. It will work for a 6 months until you realize no one is going to hit quotoa

Barely any offices that were open prior to this are still closed. Maybe you should get out and work. Obviously lots of offices closed to reps prior and they remain closed. But those that saw reps before I would say about 80% seeing reps. No one needs to do zoom calls.

Congrats. You and your salary are the poster child for why the progressives hate pharma and everyone else complains about the cost of drugs. For what you add to health care, you're expendable. You're an added expense that causes people to eat dog food just to buy their meds.You need to check your self importance at the door. Same with you Aurina, sponging off the orphan drug benefit. Pharma marketing is finally coming to an end under Binden and Kamala. Not a moment too soon as we see salaries with companies like Aurina sky rocketing. 60 minutes and Dateline need to investigate you guys

No I'm the poster child of a rep that makes companies lots of money with constantly increasing sales over what the normal rep is doing. Jobs pay what they pay- don't be a hater because you aren't worth more.

No I'm the poster child of a rep that makes companies lots of money with constantly increasing sales over what the normal rep is doing. Jobs pay what they pay- don't be a hater because you aren't worth more.[/QUOTE
You're not worth it. When a rep makes more $ than many HCP's then there is a problem.
But, Aurinia doesn't care. Their overall strategy is to sell this company in a year or two anyway. I'm not dissing you- take the money and run and hopefully you guys cash out on the options. But with a salary like you have, you'll never work in this industry again. Nobody is going to pay you this much or hire you because you did earn this much

Aurinia reps making over 170k. Enjoy the cash while you can. Aurinia is just trying to sell this thing in a year or two anyway. The new company won't keep you- to expensive. When you go to interview to get a new job post Aurinia, you'll learn that no one else is paying as much as you made at Aurinia. But the most frustrating thing you'll feel is that no one wants to interview you because you made too much money. I hope that you all make lots on money on the stock options or are ready to retire in a couple of years. Trying to stay in this industry will be very hard for you