Aurinia Pharmaceuticals

Anyone inside care to keep the investors updated (legally of course) of chatter, the general mood, management announcements? Thank you

Everyone is peachy! The work is mostly remote or in the field, but on team calls everyone seems happy.

The salary and options are nice. Managers at senior level are professional. It’s a good company to work for.

Any employee who joins a pharmaceutical company knows there is potential of an acquisition or merger. It’s relatively easy to move onto a new company as a rep when that happens.

The few reps that left should have left sooner than later with their poor performance. Older reps don’t work as hard, as the younger reps are the work horse of the organization. The pay and incentives are great for younger reps if they’re willing to hustle.

Everyone is peachy! The work is mostly remote or in the field, but on team calls everyone seems happy.

The salary and options are nice. Managers at senior level are professional. It’s a good company to work for.

Any employee who joins a pharmaceutical company knows there is potential of an acquisition or merger. It’s relatively easy to move onto a new company as a rep when that happens.

The few reps that left should have left sooner than later with their poor performance. Older reps don’t work as hard, as the younger reps are the work horse of the organization. The pay and incentives are great for younger reps if they’re willing to hustle.

Everyone is peachy! The work is mostly remote or in the field, but on team calls everyone seems happy.

The salary and options are nice. Managers at senior level are professional. It’s a good company to work for.

Any employee who joins a pharmaceutical company knows there is potential of an acquisition or merger. It’s relatively easy to move onto a new company as a rep when that happens.

The few reps that left should have left sooner than later with their poor performance. Older reps don’t work as hard, as the younger reps are the work horse of the organization. The pay and incentives are great for younger reps if they’re willing to hustle.

No one has posted on Aurinia in ages, but there is much to discuss.

Peter Greenleaf got a no confidence vote at the last shareholders meeting. But he won’t leave. He’s trying to pull a Trump, must be pressuring the remaining board members for a technicality. He needs to go.

No one has posted on Aurinia in ages, but there is much to discuss.

Peter Greenleaf got a no confidence vote at the last shareholders meeting. But he won’t leave. He’s trying to pull a Trump, must be pressuring the remaining board members for a technicality. He needs to go.
I believe that’s called a Biden. Aside your TDS, I would agree.

What reps? Managers? Who from Leadership got cut? Scott H? Jamie?
The entire FAN team got the axe too. Sue is still there but she doesn’t know her head from Pharmacord’s ass. Peter better get this company sold ASAP because as soon as the FANs stop working (aka last week) paid claims will take a significant downturn. And no, the NCMs wont be able to help you sustain sales. They can’t even keep patient’s on free drug, much less provide the hand holding it takes to get a nephrology staff to get a PA/Appeal approval needed. If the company isn’t sold before mid 2025 I expect they will close their doors.

The entire FAN team got the axe too. Sue is still there but she doesn’t know her head from Pharmacord’s ass. Peter better get this company sold ASAP because as soon as the FANs stop working (aka last week) paid claims will take a significant downturn. And no, the NCMs wont be able to help you sustain sales. They can’t even keep patient’s on free drug, much less provide the hand holding it takes to get a nephrology staff to get a PA/Appeal approval needed. If the company isn’t sold before mid 2025 I expect they will close their doors.
SH and JH?! Not a surprise. Those clowns along with PG have been riding the success of Remicade for 20 years. None of them did anything more than show up after the hard work was done on that one as well.

Can the company sell Lupkynis effectively following employee cuts? How many reps remain?
Sales reps aren't the issue. The bottle neck will be getting PA approval without any field reimbursement support. Neph offices need hand holding to get drug approved. Aurinia leadership gambled that the HUB would be able to keep claims moving. They were wrong.

Sales reps aren't the issue. The bottle neck will be getting PA approval without any field reimbursement support. Neph offices need hand holding to get drug approved. Aurinia leadership gambled that the HUB would be able to keep claims moving. They were wrong.
Funny thing is if they gave health system SPs access, they do their own PA work and some even have payer contracts. Short sighted on the part of this leadership team when they chose to cut them out.

"Truth is stranger than fiction” because there are idiots i charge like aurinia leadership that, when asked “what is our distribution strategy”, replied “we don’t have a strategy: only tactics”. That actually happened. True story…