I just don't see how they make you look better
I just don't see how they make you look better
Arguably wrong...we each decide what does and doesn't look in our own eyes, so he kinda is, no?Who cares what you think. Yours not the one who decides what does or doesn't look good.
This isn't a stript joint or a biker bar... full sleeve, neck and anything visible in a professional environment is tacky and says loser all over it...
How are tattoos considered "progress?"Opinions vary and the debate is futile, Jimmie.We understand that people like you feel threatened by progress and prototypes that don't fit nearly inside your little box. It's okay, insecure little one. We see you...
How are tattoos considered "progress?"
Most people I know have been getting them lasered off.
Tattoos fall into the category of poor life choices.
Jimmy was up responding to his own posts 8 min apart. Gold star for you lad
yet here you are looking for validation of your poor choices used to mask your body dysmorphia.
clearly all the ink isn’t making you happy. Though I’m sure you are popular at the bathhouse.
I just don't see how they make you look better
Tons of facial piercings too. It's such a professional look. Dude looks like he just got out of prison.Tacoma rep has a tattoo on his face.
Why would a manager hire someone like that to call on medical offices? What were they thinking!Tacoma rep has a tattoo on his face.
How does he get through security at the airport with all the hardware in his face? Is this a thing with the Seattle team? Is everyone pierced and tattooed on that team?Tons of facial piercings too. It's such a professional look. Dude looks like he just got out of prison.
They met at an AA meeting.Why would a manager hire someone like that to call on medical offices? What were they thinking!
Opinions vary and the debate is futile, Jimmie.We understand that people like you feel threatened by progress and prototypes that don't fit nearly inside your little box. It's okay, insecure little one. We see you...
Rumor has it this rep is a member of the Banditos motor cycle gang. That's why all the tattoos.Tacoma rep has a tattoo on his face.