Are you happy at Gilead

Are you happy at Gilead

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  • I am happy

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  • I am unhappy

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  • This is the worst experience of my life

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More like bump and grind your loose ass you homo! Think about it you pathetic queer. If anal sex was normal, then why do all of you who survive to be old have to wear diapers to absorb the rectal drip???? Think about it hemorhoid boy!

Interesting how your mind works. Look up "coprophilia" when you have time.

08/14/2007 JOHN C MARTIN
President & Chief Executive Officer 39,000 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $1,467,180.00

08/14/2007 JOHN C MARTIN
President & Chief Executive Officer 10,700 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $402,641.00

08/14/2007 JOHN C MARTIN
President & Chief Executive Officer 15,000 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $564,600.00

08/14/2007 JOHN C MARTIN
President & Chief Executive Officer 5,300 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $199,545.00

08/14/2007 JOHN C MARTIN
President & Chief Executive Officer 70,000 GILD
Exercise of Stock Options at cost of $100,100.00

08/08/2007 JAMES M DENNY
Director 5,000 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $189,000.00

08/08/2007 JAMES M DENNY
Director 31,200 GILD Exercise of Stock Options
at cost of $105,456.00

08/08/2007 JAMES M DENNY
Director 200 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $7,562.00

08/08/2007 JAMES M DENNY
Director 48,800 GILD Exercise of Stock Options
at cost of $252,784.00

08/08/2007 JAMES M DENNY
Director 400 GILD Open Market Sale
proceeds of $15,128.00

Look who is posting in the middle of the day on Saturday. You are the loser cowering behind your screen because your name might come up and reveal your sorry unethical ass. It is so funny to watch you cockroaches run when the light is pointed at you.

What is so funny is you have nothing on us and you need to make up bad shit to put in our performance evals so we either leave or get fired. It will all come back to bite you! Karma is the universal equalizer.

Happy---Good question. I have a great RD but I'm scared of the other people in charge of CP division. I thought big pharma had it out for the reps but Gilead is running in that league (or possibly a league of it's own). I was excited to join Gilead and have gotten 8 of my 9 Rx's shipped so I think I will make goal (& no- all of these were not Stride patients!) but I worry about who is monitoring the call activities on TANGO. SF maybe took entering calls that weren't really details to the next level (like 30 in 1 day)- but who among us hasn't driven 2.5 hours to an office to find that the doc can't see you so you detail the RN and leave a PI for the doc? I was told by my IS to enter that as a call- but now I'm not so sure. I'll be happy if they pay us a good bonus and just let us do our jobs. And can someone from HIV or HBV please let me know what the hostility is about Kevin Young?

I work in the UK and all of the negative comments I have read here are the same as I am hearing in the UK, I joined back in the good old days and now I am looking at leaving this micro managed big corp who want to suck your soul from you and leave you feeling undervalued, unrespected and ultimately, emotionally fragile. My manager was one of those who managed me through a series of highs and lows in our chats, making me feel like i was doing a top job and then in the next breath critising my work. The whole company is going to pot and fingers crossed I am outta here in the new year - they suck!!

it is hard to leave the money behind. Hookers get well paid but don't like getting fucked. When you look at it this way, it is easier to take and perhaps you will reconsider leaving. I left and love my new job, but I do miss the money. I would consider staying if I could do it again.

where is the gay porn site thread for the training manager who used to work here. The one that had pictures of him getting it in the ass and swallowing cum. I can't find the post. Does anyone have the web address?

I will put it this way. If we had competent middle management that could articulate a reason why we should /should not approach the business a certain way then we would all be better off. BUT, everyone is a total pussy and Kevin get'n everyone's shit because he is convinced that he has to. He has a stong personality and commands compact exact answers. So many people have been promoted to thier level of incompetence that they are running around putting out fires and not managing business. Some of the fireings make perfect sense while others baffle me. You haven't seen anything yet. The pole smokers are getting weeded out...we are much more than an HIV company now and thier inability to want to learn something new is the linch pin to unemployment.

Agreed, then why is Coy Stout and Miguel Miranda still employed? What do they have in common??? Hmmm, let me guess?? Heard Miguel's resume was tampered with by Coy and he was never a mgr. before he came to Gilead?????Inquiring minds want to know??? Maybe, that is what led to his demotion???