Are reps location tracked?

......sigh.... here we go again. We pay for the car with a monthly fee that is comparable to a lease payment....

There is a lot more to the job that you dont know about. I do a minimum of 1 to 2 hours a day in admin as well as other responsibilities. The job doesnt stop when we leave the territory

well it stops for my manager… they don’t work past 5.

They also get free lunches, free car washes, free car insurance, free car repairs, free trips to nice hotels, etc., etc,
Our reps also get free school busing (use company car to take kiddos to and from school), free after school child care (leave territory at 2:30 to pick up kiddos from school, go home for snacks, take kiddos to soccer), and free dinners (left overs from customer lunches - - - over order to take home). Nice gig and still they complain about everything!

Our reps also get free school busing (use company car to take kiddos to and from school), free after school child care (leave territory at 2:30 to pick up kiddos from school, go home for snacks, take kiddos to soccer), and free dinners (left overs from customer lunches - - - over order to take home). Nice gig and still they complain about everything!

Free most things under 1k if you're imaginative.

Our reps also get free school busing (use company car to take kiddos to and from school), free after school child care (leave territory at 2:30 to pick up kiddos from school, go home for snacks, take kiddos to soccer), and free dinners (left overs from customer lunches - - - over order to take home). Nice gig and still they complain about everything!

Shut the fuck up please

......sigh.... here we go again. We pay for the car with a monthly fee that is comparable to a lease payment....

There is a lot more to the job that you dont know about. I do a minimum of 1 to 2 hours a day in admin as well as other responsibilities. The job doesnt stop when we leave the territory
Exactly right! It is not a free car. In fact, you are paying for a mandated leased vehicle out of your paycheck. If you think you are getting a "free" vehicle, you are brainwashed.

No. That is not true! We get those things instead of cash in our paycheck. It is part of our compensation. It is not "free"! Wake up!
So let me get this straight - - - you pay out of your personal pocket auto insurance like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? You don't over order customer lunch items for your personal consumption at home?!? You get a flat tire driving little Susie to soccer practice and you pay for roadside assistance and a new tire out of your personal pocket?!? You work at least 40 hours per weak like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? Tell you what, reps are lazy and overpaid employees.

So let me get this straight - - - you pay out of your personal pocket auto insurance like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? You don't over order customer lunch items for your personal consumption at home?!? You get a flat tire driving little Susie to soccer practice and you pay for roadside assistance and a new tire out of your personal pocket?!? You work at least 40 hours per weak like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? Tell you what, reps are lazy and overpaid employees.

Kidos could eat all of their meals on the company's dime without raising any suspicion. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner M-F all compliments of abbie. If the kidos were smart they would order the filet rare only once a week and they would save room for dessert. Free gas to shuttle the kidos to and from everywhere they want to go. Free trips for the kidos via abbie. It might even be possible to pay for the kidos' college through the company's expense account if someone really knew how to work the system. I am not saying I would do any of these things, but I know some pretty clever reps that have.

Kidos could eat all of their meals on the company's dime without raising any suspicion. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner M-F all compliments of abbie. If the kidos were smart they would order the filet rare only once a week and they would save room for dessert. Free gas to shuttle the kidos to and from everywhere they want to go. Free trips for the kidos via abbie. It might even be possible to pay for the kidos' college through the company's expense account if someone really knew how to work the system. I am not saying I would do any of these things, but I know some pretty clever reps that have.

I forgot the best part... Mommy/daddy pharma sales rep only has to spend 4 to 4.5 hours a day in the field at most depending on the portfolio they sell. I knew hospital reps that worked less. They made all their calls in the hospital cafeteria. If they waved at a doctor that was a call.

I forgot the best part... Mommy/daddy pharma sales rep only has to spend 4 to 4.5 hours a day in the field at most depending on the portfolio they sell. I knew hospital reps that worked less. They made all their calls in the hospital cafeteria. If they waved at a doctor that was a call.

We haven't even begun to talk about the extravagant wine lists at some of these restaurants or ordering rounds of drinks for everybody in the entire establishment regardless of their profession. It's obscene to say the very least. What I am speaking of isn't the good ole days either... imagine expensing an entire country club membership, your monthly nut, and everything affiliated with being a member at a club! Being a pharma rep couldn't be any easier. I know automotive reps that have it better though.

We haven't even begun to talk about the extravagant wine lists at some of these restaurants or ordering rounds of drinks for everybody in the entire establishment regardless of their profession. It's obscene to say the very least. What I am speaking of isn't the good ole days either... imagine expensing an entire country club membership, your monthly nut, and everything affiliated with being a member at a club! Being a pharma rep couldn't be any easier. I know automotive reps that have it better though.

I wonder what the life of a high finance banker is like? More extraordinary than what has been described here I can assure you.

I have nothing but contempt for executives. The best ceo will many times be the person who is willing to do the job for the least amount of money. Furthermore, a ceo should be treated like a puppet. This is what you are going to do and this is what you are going to say. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out of here and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! Unless it is somebody like Steve Jobs. The problem is the fact that people like Steve Jobs are so rare.

I have nothing but contempt for executives. The best ceo will many times be the person who is willing to do the job for the least amount of money. Furthermore, a ceo should be treated like a puppet. This is what you are going to do and this is what you are going to say. If you don't like it, then get the fuck out of here and don't let the door hit your ass on the way out! Unless it is somebody like Steve Jobs. The problem is the fact that people like Steve Jobs are so rare.

so, you actually believe in the "Steve Jobs" story and other like him?
Elon Musk is a total idiot, but you don't understand that he was put there by the international bankers.

We haven't even begun to talk about the extravagant wine lists at some of these restaurants or ordering rounds of drinks for everybody in the entire establishment regardless of their profession. It's obscene to say the very least. What I am speaking of isn't the good ole days either... imagine expensing an entire country club membership, your monthly nut, and everything affiliated with being a member at a club! Being a pharma rep couldn't be any easier. I know automotive reps that have it better though.
I work in Accounting and you would not believe the wine/alcohol expenses at the NSMs! This crap has to be stopped. I would cancelled all new fleet car orders and give the reps a stipend of $200 per month to lease their business cars.

Pharma sales reps should be treated as independent contractors.

Ceo and executives get a reduction in pay or get their asses thrown out of the company. Take all that extra money and invest it into R&D. You might think of these ideas similarly to putting an unhealthy whore on a diet. Over time she is going to become lean and healthy with a sustainable foreseeable future without being as much of a burden on society.

So let me get this straight - - - you pay out of your personal pocket auto insurance like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? You don't over order customer lunch items for your personal consumption at home?!? You get a flat tire driving little Susie to soccer practice and you pay for roadside assistance and a new tire out of your personal pocket?!? You work at least 40 hours per weak like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? Tell you what, reps are lazy and overpaid employees.

So let me get this straight - - - you pay out of your personal pocket auto insurance like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? You don't over order customer lunch items for your personal consumption at home?!? You get a flat tire driving little Susie to soccer practice and you pay for roadside assistance and a new tire out of your personal pocket?!? You work at least 40 hours per weak like the rest of the employees at HQ?!? Tell you what, reps are lazy and overpaid employees.