Are reps location tracked?

Interesting Stats, did you read that in your edition of Ive Got A Hard On for Pharma Reps? RX plans already dictate what providers prescribe, but thanks for stating the obvious for the last 15 plus years. News flash…it’s not an old business model. It works because if pharma companies could actually move share through phone sales or exclusive virtual sales reps, we would have been replaced a long time ago. Nothing replaces a face to face interaction with an HCP—that moves share and relationships. Least not forget that your high and mighty self is making a living off of the drugs we sell, if the drugs didn’t sell you’d be working in the basement with your red stapler.

I think Milton already had their stapler taken away judging from the posts.

The accountant is killing it on all notes. I’m a rep and I know and agree with everything they are saying and oh 40% accessibility is too generous and everyone here knows it. Let the cursing and name calling begin because the truth hurts.

The accountant is killing it on all notes. I’m a rep and I know and agree with everything they are saying and oh 40% accessibility is too generous and everyone here knows it. Let the cursing and name calling begin because the truth hurts.
You are a traitor to your peers. If you don't like your job then hit the door Jack!!

The accountant is killing it on all notes. I’m a rep and I know and agree with everything they are saying and oh 40% accessibility is too generous and everyone here knows it. Let the cursing and name calling begin because the truth hurts.

The only thing the accountant is killing is themselves. No reps = less revenue = less office slobs. It’s a viscous cycle that people with no business experience from home office never seem to recognize. Sales is always the life blood of an organization.

The only thing the accountant is killing is themselves. No reps = less revenue = less office slobs. It’s a viscous cycle that people with no business experience from home office never seem to recognize. Sales is always the life blood of an organization.

We have a member from accounting and "sales"/customer service heard from. What's ur position in this house/deck of cards?

The only thing the accountant is killing is themselves. No reps = less revenue = less office slobs. It’s a viscous cycle that people with no business experience from home office never seem to recognize. Sales is always the life blood of an organization.

Fewer reps = fewer managers, trainers, directors, field force specialists, headquarter personnel. The list goes on and on.

Could we have fewer reps and attain the same revenue? Definitely. No reps? Absolutely not. But everyone up the line wants to protect their own job by keeping this many reps.

Abbvie can and does track. A few years ago reps in hunira sales force 1 was fired fir falsifying calls in northeast one from each region, Some reps Not working. Used gas cards mileage, iPads etc. managers and home office look. .

billy gates is a fucking asshole. When billy's narrative strayed too far away from reality it was easier for him to ask for more investment instead of admitting that he was wrong. I'd like to read about billy getting mauled by a pissed off gorilla.

Abbvie can and does track. A few years ago reps in hunira sales force 1 was fired fir falsifying calls in northeast one from each region, Some reps Not working. Used gas cards mileage, iPads etc. managers and home office look. .
This is a breach of employee - company privacy law. Should your manager try to track you, especially before 10:00AM and after 2:30PM, you have the right to sue him! Legal Eagle.

This is a breach of employee - company privacy law. Should your manager try to track you, especially before 10:00AM and after 2:30PM, you have the right to sue him! Legal Eagle.

Another armchair lawyer that knows absolutely nothing about which they speak! Many companies use auto/internet tracking systems to track their vehicles! My neighbor owns a large landscaping company and has used tracking for company vehicles for years! Our state power company has used it, I know for over 15 years! No, Legal Eagle, ITS NOT ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO TRACK WITH BY COMPANY PHONE, IPAD OR VEHICLE! Tool!

Finally, our reps will be held accountable for WORKING during business hours!! No more gym time, shopping, seeing a movie, napping at a park, going for a quickie, picking up kids, etc., etc., etc.!! Accountability is here! Welcome to the real work world!!

well I am the CEO of my territory so I cum and go as I please.

Another armchair lawyer that knows absolutely nothing about which they speak! Many companies use auto/internet tracking systems to track their vehicles! My neighbor owns a large landscaping company and has used tracking for company vehicles for years! Our state power company has used it, I know for over 15 years! No, Legal Eagle, ITS NOT ILLEGAL FOR THEM TO TRACK WITH BY COMPANY PHONE, IPAD OR VEHICLE! Tool!
Yep it's legal to track your property, such as a vehicle.