Are reps location tracked?

Truly hope so - - - we all hear the stories of reps using their company cars to do personal tasks and even using the car to go on vacation!! We don't have HQ cars to go grocery shopping, going to the gym, picking up our kids after soccer practice, etc., etc., etc. Reps abusing their company cars has to stop! Totally unacceptable and unethical.

Simple question: How long will reps have a job? Environment: very few doctors permit reps in office, hospitals ban reps, pharma rep image at rock bottom, managed care price constraints and restrictive formularies, tiered prescribing options for physicians, social media advertisin, shrinking R&D innovation, cost benefit analyses required for all new drugs by 3rd party payers, and now around the corner Medicare price bidding! The days of the field rep no longer makes business sense. Glad to be a HQ worker who will retire from pharma. Where will you be in 2 years - - - Olive Garden, Jimmy Johns, Aplebee, etc. ? Continue to make fun of HQ, loser rep.

Been listening to homeoffice do nothings whine for the 24 years I've been in pharma... Guess what sport? You're overhead, you bring no money into the company. You're cost.... I pay your salary, my ass kissing, shady ass dealings, putting my job on the line daily existence pays for "you". Now shut your piehole while I make another uber run and real estate deal to triple my income while I pay for your useless ass to cut a check every two weeks..... Twit.

Been listening to homeoffice do nothings whine for the 24 years I've been in pharma... Guess what sport? You're overhead, you bring no money into the company. You're cost.... I pay your salary, my ass kissing, shady ass dealings, putting my job on the line daily existence pays for "you". Now shut your piehole while I make another uber run and real estate deal to triple my income while I pay for your useless ass to cut a check every two weeks..... Twit.
Without reps there would be no revenue. Everyone from the C-Suite down should be thanking us.

Last year most reps sat at home pretending to do virtual details. Why did sales go up? The value of pharma reps is zilch. Have a good selling day - - - blah, blah, blah.

Lookie here, I used to consult with your security folks. Facts-

Turn off your iPad signal and location based services? Won't work, Mobile Iron tracks everything in the absence of signals.

Car tracking coming soon. Amgen and other companies require it, look up Geotab. It randomly pulls mileage and location 24/7. By randomly doing it, no one person is targeted and they can check personal mileage. It monitors seatbelts, speed and braking.

Cells. This is the last thing they check as there are too many privacy barriers. They will only use this for real sinister crap like theft.

Bottom line, if confronted, be honest. They ain't gonna fire you for working 10-3. The two things that will nail you are fudging expenses and samples.

?'s, I'd be happy to answer....


Lookie here, I used to consult with your security folks. Facts-

Turn off your iPad signal and location based services? Won't work, Mobile Iron tracks everything in the absence of signals.

Car tracking coming soon. Amgen and other companies require it, look up Geotab. It randomly pulls mileage and location 24/7. By randomly doing it, no one person is targeted and they can check personal mileage. It monitors seatbelts, speed and braking.

Cells. This is the last thing they check as there are too many privacy barriers. They will only use this for real sinister crap like theft.

Bottom line, if confronted, be honest. They ain't gonna fire you for working 10-3. The two things that will nail you are fudging expenses and samples.

?'s, I'd be happy to answer....


I do have questions…

My manager told me that the company could go through my personal photos on the phone I bought. Is this true?

I also had HR email me and ask me what dating apps I was on. Would they actually go on that dating app and look for my profile?

It was a horrible and shameful experience. I’m still afraid to date because of it.

I do have questions…

My manager told me that the company could go through my personal photos on the phone I bought. Is this true?

I also had HR email me and ask me what dating apps I was on. Would they actually go on that dating app and look for my profile?

It was a horrible and shameful experience. I’m still afraid to date because of it.

This manager needs to go! No, they cannot. Date away and enjoy yourself.

Let's hope the reps are tracked. What we hear is that most of them work ~4 hours/day and they get plenty of benefits including full pay/bonus, expense account and a new car!!! We can't keep this '60s business model going forward!! My doctor has a sign on his door stating no pharma reps can enter. REALITY!!

Let's hope the reps are tracked. What we hear is that most of them work ~4 hours/day and they get plenty of benefits including full pay/bonus, expense account and a new car!!! We can't keep this '60s business model going forward!! My doctor has a sign on his door stating no pharma reps can enter. REALITY!!
They also get free lunches, free car washes, free car insurance, free car repairs, free trips to nice hotels, etc., etc,

I do have questions…

My manager told me that the company could go through my personal photos on the phone I bought. Is this true?

I also had HR email me and ask me what dating apps I was on. Would they actually go on that dating app and look for my profile?

It was a horrible and shameful experience. I’m still afraid to date because of it.

They can’t look at ANYTHING on your personal phone. They can on a company provided phone. They also have no right whatsoever to ask you what dating apps you are own. It’s none of their damn business! If you voluntarily told tell them, you are an idiot. Also, they can track your location through a company provided cell phone or iPad. Don’t put anything on social media that you may be ask to explain later.

Also, you manager is a stinking liar about them having access to your personal photos on your PERSONAL phone. Social media is where people get into trouble.

Let's hope the reps are tracked. What we hear is that most of them work ~4 hours/day and they get plenty of benefits including full pay/bonus, expense account and a new car!!! We can't keep this '60s business model going forward!! My doctor has a sign on his door stating no pharma reps can enter. REALITY!!

......sigh.... here we go again. We pay for the car with a monthly fee that is comparable to a lease payment....

There is a lot more to the job that you dont know about. I do a minimum of 1 to 2 hours a day in admin as well as other responsibilities. The job doesnt stop when we leave the territory

I do have questions…

My manager told me that the company could go through my personal photos on the phone I bought. Is this true?

I also had HR email me and ask me what dating apps I was on. Would they actually go on that dating app and look for my profile?

It was a horrible and shameful experience. I’m still afraid to date because of it.

I do have questions…

My manager told me that the company could go through my personal photos on the phone I bought. Is this true?

I also had HR email me and ask me what dating apps I was on. Would they actually go on that dating app and look for my profile?

It was a horrible and shameful experience. I’m still afraid to date because of it.

The above is 100% false. You being an imbecile is 100% true

I hope they don’t track us to Starbucks- they are raising prices for the 3rd time in the last couple months. Thank Moron Joe for you not being able to afford your Joe.

Let's hope the reps are tracked. What we hear is that most of them work ~4 hours/day and they get plenty of benefits including full pay/bonus, expense account and a new car!!! We can't keep this '60s business model going forward!! My doctor has a sign on his door stating no pharma reps can enter. REALITY!!

We pay for the car....