April 2014 Development Layoffs


It starts Monday April 7. Development IT in Pharma have already received their meeting notices. Stupid leadership team and HR morons made it too easy to tell who stays and who are kicked out:

15 minute meetings = you're ****ed; 10 minute meeting = you work real hard OR are best friends with the leadership team and you are saved.

By design, all meetings on Monday are 15 minutes. After mid-morning on Tuesday, they all turn to 10 minutes.

Not to be outdone, the meetings already happened in Basel. If you walked in this meeting alone to meet your fate, you are gone. If you were scheduled with a colleague, you both are spared.

How is this supposed to be respectful to those affected?!!

The rest of Pharma Development will be scheduled in the coming days...

Thanks for the advance Easter Bunny delivery..


Also open a my choice. Ups FedEx or DHL account. A label will be created to ship you severance before you are told if your gone. No label safe, label gone. You can set it up to text ed you cell. No need to even check the Web site. God speed.

Just heard that it will be about 40% gone. With more to follow in the next year for a total, in relation to the hc now, of 60%. It is better to be in the early blood bath than later. Later there is no guarantee of severance.

NIBR is saved until May. Rolling reduction to final headcount by Sept 1. Our department will lose 20% in the first wave then we will already be at the Sept target. Depends on when you're scheduled to take the hit. Good luck to everyone.

I just heard 30% plus in my Dept but we maybe will be able to save some by converting them to contract. Of course, that only lasts until they find something else. If that ever happens. I'll make to through but my team and work will be devastated. After having spent the last 15 years of my career getting to this spot and then spending 4 years getting my team and projects this far, I am not sure that I can articulate what is left after this. Bon Chance.

So all you Dev rats, ask yourselfs: was it worth all the backstabbing, throat cutting? Throwing People under the bus, selling them down the river; and now you get replaced by CRO´s? Did you really think this was sustainable?

You forgot it was called ICRO to point out to you that you should be better than CRO´s... the difference is CRO´s Focus on delivering, not on sabotaging and destroying each other.

So all you Dev rats, ask yourselfs: was it worth all the backstabbing, throat cutting? Throwing People under the bus, selling them down the river; and now you get replaced by CRO´s? Did you really think this was sustainable?

You forgot it was called ICRO to point out to you that you should be better than CRO´s... the difference is CRO´s Focus on delivering, not on sabotaging and destroying each other.

Or being focused on filling your teams with bloated and overly paid staff to build an empire rather results. We are now full of overly promoted too highly paid people who have never really done drug Development - their only real skills are internal political knife fights, building presentations to defend their non-delivery and padding budgets. Novartis Dev has been festering sore for years and this draining of the boil will be therapeutic. Tragic for many faux careers. They don't even have the experience and skills needed to work at a CRO.

Or being focused on filling your teams with bloated and overly paid staff to build an empire rather results. We are now full of overly promoted too highly paid people who have never really done sales Development - their only real skills are internal political knife fights & bogus speaker programs to defend their non-delivery and faux awards. The Long Island district has been festering sore for years and this draining of the boil will be therapeutic. Tragic for many faux careers. They don't even have the experience and skills needed to work at a CRO.
(edited for content)

Are you sure you're not referring to the existing remnants of the Long Island District?

I hate to break this to everyone in development talking about jumping to a CRO. Even they outsource everything. You will be a contract employee if you can find a job. Most CROs are automating or shipping the development jobs overseas

RPS for the FSP?

Pharma as a stable good career is dead. Anyone smart enough should take whatever transferable skills and look outside the industry. This isn't 2003 with a bright future ahead anymore

RPS was brought in by the head of clin div. He worked with them at Wyeth and has a personal agenda here... The Pennsylvania connection.

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