Anyone out there gotten a religious exemption?

Know enough about Qanon by reading horrid stories about what Qanon cult followers do. Like the guy in Santa Barbara who murdered his 2 young children- one just a baby) with a fishing spear because he was convinced they were possessed with demon DNA from his wife. He learned about that from Qanon…..not nice people. A cult for psychos.

So you read the fake news? You’re a real expert then! how could anybody question you? Your sources are above reproach!

You can't compare cancer (which is almost certain death) or 2 burning towers (with people jumping out of them) with something that has a 99% survival rate, of which many of us have had and already overcome. This is what would be considered a logical fallacy, if this were still a world governed by common sense and not big tech/big media

A 1% death rate equates to about 3 million in the U.S.

That’s more than annual deaths from lung cancer.

I disagree with the focus on mid to long term effects. If there are any, they won’t be known for years. People are suffering today.

You don’t hear people saying this about new cancer medicine or new treatments for rare diseases. This wait and see approach is a new standard only being applied here because of misinformation and miseducation.

Imagine firefighters on 9/11 waiting to see what the mid to long term affect of the plane crash was on the towers before running in? It would be too late to save the many lives they did. They sacrificed themselves. Nobody is asking anyone to make sacrifices here unless they remain super stubborn and ill-informed.

best commentary I’ve read on this.

For all the anti vax, anti mandate , evangelical / religious exemption trolls

Assuming that you work for Pfizer / Pharma , why do you work for a company that not only makes one of the vaccines , but requires you to be vaccinated? Are your weird 'beliefs' trumped (small t) by the salary you are being paid? If so, your beliefs are not that impressive

For all the anti vax, anti mandate , evangelical / religious exemption trolls

Assuming that you work for Pfizer / Pharma , why do you work for a company that not only makes one of the vaccines , but requires you to be vaccinated? Are your weird 'beliefs' trumped (small t) by the salary you are being paid? If so, your beliefs are not that impressive
I'm not anti vax. I'm anti force. Simple as that. If you don't "mandate" things, people are much more likely to make the best decision. But if you make it mandatory people resist. It's the human condition. You can be in favor of something and not want it mandatory. You can be against something and not want it banned.

Whats dangerous is the hive mentality that takes over, and people completely give in to groupthink mentality and stop thinking for themselves. That's what's dangerous no matter what side of the spectrum you are on. It's a slippery slope. That's how the witch trials began and how the Nazis took over.

I'm not anti vax. I'm anti force. Simple as that. If you don't "mandate" things, people are much more likely to make the best decision. But if you make it mandatory people resist. It's the human condition. You can be in favor of something and not want it mandatory. You can be against something and not want it banned.

Whats dangerous is the hive mentality that takes over, and people completely give in to groupthink mentality and stop thinking for themselves. That's what's dangerous no matter what side of the spectrum you are on. It's a slippery slope. That's how the witch trials began and how the Nazis took over.

Spot on. I took both jabs but after some serious review of the literature, don’t think I’ll be taking a booster, at least not MRNA.. maybe the J&J as its more like a traditional attenuated virus vaccine. That should create more diverse antibodies . I had an adverse reaction to the second shot in the form of a sore arm that didn’t resolve for months. All Is well now but my confidence in the Pfizer formulation is dampened. My spouse had the disease in January 2020 and I didn’t get sick. But was exposed. What annoys me is the mainstream narrative that the vaccine delivers better immunity than natural antibodies. This is a complete falsehood. The Israeli study’s have proved that. this whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test. There has been mass conditioning to all the over the top Pandemic control efforts. It’s 99.5% survivable for christs sake! If you peak out against the mob they want to destroy you. Sweden didn’t lock down and they did’t have any worse outcomes in reality.

Had the virus. Got both jabs. So what? Can't figure out why some people think that makes them holier than thou, or why that would give someone the right to try and tell other people what to do.

I'll never understand that part of it.

Spot on. I took both jabs but after some serious review of the literature, don’t think I’ll be taking a booster, at least not MRNA.. maybe the J&J as its more like a traditional attenuated virus vaccine. That should create more diverse antibodies . I had an adverse reaction to the second shot in the form of a sore arm that didn’t resolve for months. All Is well now but my confidence in the Pfizer formulation is dampened. My spouse had the disease in January 2020 and I didn’t get sick. But was exposed. What annoys me is the mainstream narrative that the vaccine delivers better immunity than natural antibodies. This is a complete falsehood. The Israeli study’s have proved that. this whole thing doesn’t pass the smell test. There has been mass conditioning to all the over the top Pandemic control efforts. It’s 99.5% survivable for christs sake! If you peak out against the mob they want to destroy you. Sweden didn’t lock down and they did’t have any worse outcomes in reality.

The so-called Israeli studies are junk. They are reports with major flaws in design. They are hypothesis generating but not worth rejecting real studies and real data generated in America unless you live in Israel maybe.

There is no reason to work in health care if you’re unwilling to take a simple precaution to protect patients you’re paid to serve (directly or indirectly). Sorry. Call it coercion, I don’t really care. I was “forced” to get a number of vaccinations to enroll in school as a child and later as an adult when I joined the military. Somehow I survived.

As we are all at-will employees, I suggest the company fire anyone who refuses the vaccine unless they have a medical exemption. There are plenty of jobs out there outside of healthcare, perhaps that would be a better fit for the self-righteous anti-vax imbeciles and religious nutters. If your precious feelings are hurt, I suggest you toughen up.

Yes. Totally shocked. Wonder how many of the RE reps will be let go in Bold Moves? At least we are eligible for a severance package now.
I received the exemption also and am wondering the same thing! Maybe the less tenured with RE’s will be selected for displacement as they won’t have to pay large severances.

There is no reason to work in health care if you’re unwilling to take a simple precaution to protect patients you’re paid to serve (directly or indirectly). Sorry. Call it coercion, I don’t really care. I was “forced” to get a number of vaccinations to enroll in school as a child and later as an adult when I joined the military. Somehow I survived.

As we are all at-will employees, I suggest the company fire anyone who refuses the vaccine unless they have a medical exemption. There are plenty of jobs out there outside of healthcare, perhaps that would be a better fit for the self-righteous anti-vax imbeciles and religious nutters. If your precious feelings are hurt, I suggest you toughen up.
We are purposely being divided as a nation right now, so go easy on the people who are on on other side of where you are. While we argue about this issue, there are provisions in that spending bill that all but make the United States cease to exist as a nation. Big picture.

We are purposely being divided as a nation right now, so go easy on the people who are on on other side of where you are. While we argue about this issue, there are provisions in that spending bill that all but make the United States cease to exist as a nation. Big picture.
Lol. Cease to exist as a nation. Hyperbole much?