Anyone out there gotten a religious exemption?

Science is fraught with misinterpretations, incomplete data, and faulty observation.

Please don’t make science a new religion. Scientists search for objective, observable truth. So, even science has severe limitations.

Science would make a lousy religion. When done right the dogma is in constant flux. There is no such thing as “settled science”.

As a vaccinated person, I am out of the loop. Nov 15th was the deadline? What happens now with those who chose not to get vaccinated?
Agreed, I would like to know. How do we know who is not vaccinated, so we can plan work schedules to cover the many accounts where they are excluded? And so we can avoid meeting with them?

Agreed, I would like to know. How do we know who is not vaccinated, so we can plan work schedules to cover the many accounts where they are excluded? And so we can avoid meeting with them?

I don't have it and I want to avoid meeting with YOU.

You are so clueless so many have gotten it even with getting the shot.
you are incapable of thinking critically.

Its about trusting God vs relying on a vaccine to determine when ones death will be.

I don’t understand what religion exempts people from doing something that helps protect other people and society from sickness and death.

Most religions do teach sacrificing one’s own comfort, pleasures and needs for others but not against others.

Hate thy neighbor?

I know there’s crazy zealots out there but the anti-vaxxers sound desperate and afraid, not crazy zealous.