Anyone out there gotten a religious exemption?

My employer (not PFE, but another big Pharma) appears to be approving lots of religious exemptions. I’ve seen the letters from two people whose were approved and they took the fetal tissue route. Probably helped that PFE tried to hide the fetal tissue aspect of vaccine development and testing.

That said my employer was very clear in stating that religious and medical accommodations are only temporary and circumstances could change whereby vaccination would be required for all employees, no exceptions.

Accordingly, I told them to stick their mandate, their exemption rules, and their POS corporate culture where the sun does not shine.

I am out and never felt better.

There are many, many more folks within Pfizer that feel the same way.

I remain hopeful that “leadership” has a change of heart soon. Otherwise, they’ll have a slew of employees lurking in the shadows opposing everything.

Maybe a bigger focus on Diversity of Thought is warranted.

Will be interesting to see how they handle the exemptions..... We should also question the % of employees that are "fully" vaccinated.

We should also question any pharma reps that don’t understand that religious exemptions aren’t necessary.

Unless your religion teaches that all of these are wrong, I can’t think of a reason for an exemption.

Loving your neighbor has many valid points to take from both sides of the aisle on this topic. When looking at scripture we see how practical thought the Creator of All placed in the ability to love one’s neighbor and provided practical application in principle. That principle was most always around the preservation of life, as an example of building a railing around the roof of your home so that your neighbor, while up there wouldn’t fall off and die. The same could be applied today if you had a swimming pool.. you would certainly build a fence around it for the sole purpose of preservation of life. That being said, without the ability to see the midterm effects as well as the long term effects of these vaccines and the current side effects that have been reported which are suspicious indeed, to love my neighbor and desire the preservation of life, standing for mandates would not be an example of loving ones neighbor.

Loving your neighbor has many valid points to take from both sides of the aisle on this topic. When looking at scripture we see how practical thought the Creator of All placed in the ability to love one’s neighbor and provided practical application in principle. That principle was most always around the preservation of life, as an example of building a railing around the roof of your home so that your neighbor, while up there wouldn’t fall off and die. The same could be applied today if you had a swimming pool.. you would certainly build a fence around it for the sole purpose of preservation of life. That being said, without the ability to see the midterm effects as well as the long term effects of these vaccines and the current side effects that have been reported which are suspicious indeed, to love my neighbor and desire the preservation of life, standing for mandates would not be an example of loving ones neighbor.
Once again, Evangelicals twist and turn to do anything possible to feed their narrative and get “loving your neighbor “ completely wrong. Get vaccinated. Jesus sent you the vaccine.

Once again, Evangelicals twist and turn to do anything possible to feed their narrative and get “loving your neighbor “ completely wrong. Get vaccinated. Jesus sent you the vaccine.
What's worse, people who live by the Bible or secular people who worship a centrally imposed, corrupt government? On one side you have the sacred book and the sacred cross, and on the other side you have the sacred mask and the sacred syringe. Both are equally oppressive, and equally intolerant of the other side because neither side can disprove the other. My advice is to resist both, and use the brain that you were given by someone or some form of evolution. Either way, it's your decision. Don't make it theirs.

Loving your neighbor has many valid points to take from both sides of the aisle on this topic. When looking at scripture we see how practical thought the Creator of All placed in the ability to love one’s neighbor and provided practical application in principle. That principle was most always around the preservation of life, as an example of building a railing around the roof of your home so that your neighbor, while up there wouldn’t fall off and die. The same could be applied today if you had a swimming pool.. you would certainly build a fence around it for the sole purpose of preservation of life. That being said, without the ability to see the midterm effects as well as the long term effects of these vaccines and the current side effects that have been reported which are suspicious indeed, to love my neighbor and desire the preservation of life, standing for mandates would not be an example of loving ones neighbor.

I disagree with the focus on mid to long term effects. If there are any, they won’t be known for years. People are suffering today.

You don’t hear people saying this about new cancer medicine or new treatments for rare diseases. This wait and see approach is a new standard only being applied here because of misinformation and miseducation.

Imagine firefighters on 9/11 waiting to see what the mid to long term affect of the plane crash was on the towers before running in? It would be too late to save the many lives they did. They sacrificed themselves. Nobody is asking anyone to make sacrifices here unless they remain super stubborn and ill-informed.

I disagree with the focus on mid to long term effects. If there are any, they won’t be known for years. People are suffering today.

You don’t hear people saying this about new cancer medicine or new treatments for rare diseases. This wait and see approach is a new standard only being applied here because of misinformation and miseducation.

Imagine firefighters on 9/11 waiting to see what the mid to long term affect of the plane crash was on the towers before running in? It would be too late to save the many lives they did. They sacrificed themselves. Nobody is asking anyone to make sacrifices here unless they remain super stubborn and ill-informed.
You can't compare cancer (which is almost certain death) or 2 burning towers (with people jumping out of them) with something that has a 99% survival rate, of which many of us have had and already overcome. This is what would be considered a logical fallacy, if this were still a world governed by common sense and not big tech/big media