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Anyone hired back from last round layoff


Many openings but no rehires that I've heard of. Apparently they don't want anyone back. Afraid they will bash the company if they go back in the field?? Salaries to high?? Anyone heard the reason?

Boy,they are desparate! I would rather work at Walmart! At least they will be @ next year!

things aint that good out there for hiring, despite what the media reports about the unemployment rate. Although after the last RIF in 2010, no employers in this industry were even having face-to-face interviews let alone phone screens. There has been increased interviewing opportunities this time around it seems, however, it comes with increased competition from other companies who have laid off as well.

things aint that good out there for hiring, despite what the media reports about the unemployment rate. Although after the last RIF in 2010, no employers in this industry were even having face-to-face interviews let alone phone screens. There has been increased interviewing opportunities this time around it seems, however, it comes with increased competition from other companies who have laid off as well.

Beg to differ! A group of us downsized in 2010,got jobs two months after the layoff and were happy to double-dip with Takeda's money! We succeeded because we are good sales reps,sent out resumes the day after the layoff,and even got jobs selling competing products! It was actually a pretty sweet deal for alot of us! Many talented reps once worked,and still do work at Takeda. Please don't waste your talents with a "has-been" company!!!!!

Beg to differ! A group of us downsized in 2010,got jobs two months after the layoff and were happy to double-dip with Takeda's money! We succeeded because we are good sales reps,sent out resumes the day after the layoff,and even got jobs selling competing products! It was actually a pretty sweet deal for alot of us! Many talented reps once worked,and still do work at Takeda. Please don't waste your talents with a "has-been" company!!!!!

Ever heard of golden handcuffs? Other companies can't match what this has been company pays me. Would you take a 30-40K pay cut if you didn't have to?

I have heard of a couple. But in general don't believe the company cares to rehire anyone they cut. A lot of people have found jobs but those that would come back do because like the above poster said the golden handcuffs! Happiness is worth something tho. Also, if you come back hopefully you last for a while to make up for the severance you forfeit by coming back.

The point is that very soon you will be taking 100% cut as this cesspool! Get out before that happens,because it is inevitable!!

point is I will take the risk to not take a big pay cut by leaving. history shows that takeda gives a severance when they layoff people. I'll take a 100% cut with a severance package if and when I need to

So why haven't you left. I know why, but I want to hear you say it.

Resumes going out,networking progressing. Believe me,as soon as the right opportunity comes along,I'm outta here! Until then,I'm going to do to Takeda what they have been doing to alot of good people,"screw them" and collect my paycheck!