Any updates on 6122- Lilly Diabetes?

Did Don Lichok (8822 DM in Philly) make it to a new contract with Novaquest? Great guy.

He took a polygraph test and passed, so there is no place for him in this organization. Please keep those comments and questions coming as we promise to keep an open line of communication with all our valued ex-employees.

Captain Kangaroo

O.k....That's pretty funny stuff! Well done. :) God, they had some idiots running that gig: From Captain Kangaroo D. Urinal, Carl "It Gives Me Wood To Send Out Spreadsheets" Buschman, Jim "I'm generally just a bitter Douche Keith to most of the less-than-stellar D.M.'s. It's really no wonder that the contract wasn't renewed!

P.S. to "Zero Tolerance" Keith: That sweet Hawaian shirt you wore to almost every meeting (multiple times) is NOT considered business casual. Man, what a pin-dick that guy is....

O.k....I do feel very silly for asking this....But, SERIOUSLY: Is this contract done with (#6122) or what? I keep getting the run around from everyone!! I can deal with it if the contract is done; but I'm starting to feel pretty stupid dropping off samples. My sweet, money Fujitsu laptop has not worked properly in 7 or 8 months and not only haven't I received a bonus since last year; but now they send me a bill for my Fujitsu laptop and my company car?? WTF! Worst of all, my neck is irritated and red from wearing my Humalog 3-Part Solution lanyard around my neck.


You will be rewarded with a brand new, customized Quintiles drink coaster. Your hard work and dedication as "solution providers" can now be remembered. As you look at your empty beer glass and see the coaster, think how nice it would be to have that expense account again to stock your kegerator and fill your glass back up. Too still have that Humalog umbrella, right? Works great to keep your cardboard box house dry during a rain storm.


You will be rewarded with a brand new, customized Quintiles drink coaster. Your hard work and dedication as "solution providers" can now be remembered. As you look at your empty beer glass and see the coaster, think how nice it would be to have that expense account again to stock your kegerator and fill your glass back up. Too still have that Humalog umbrella, right? Works great to keep your cardboard box house dry during a rain storm.

Ahhh that was a special day, wasn't it? When I opened that box from Quintiles and set my eyes upon the wondrous and beautiful (Made In China) Quintiles coaster already with a small chip in it......Well, needless to say: I welled up in tears. Who wouldn't? Then, about a month before Thanksiving--the one I wait for all year long...Wait for it....Wait for it: The Fifteen Dollar Butterball gift certificate. Not fifty, not twenty five--not even 20 dollar. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: $15. You have to chalk that one up in the "Why Even Bother"? category.

A gigantic "dorm sized fridge", one coaster (glad I only have one glass), half a turkey for Thanksgiving and partial Medical Representative Certification.... Thanks for the memories, Quintiles!

Ahhh that was a special day, wasn't it? When I opened that box from Quintiles and set my eyes upon the wondrous and beautiful (Made In China) Quintiles coaster already with a small chip in it......Well, needless to say: I welled up in tears. Who wouldn't? Then, about a month before Thanksiving--the one I wait for all year long...Wait for it....Wait for it: The Fifteen Dollar Butterball gift certificate. Not fifty, not twenty five--not even 20 dollar. Yes, ladies and gentlemen: $15. You have to chalk that one up in the "Why Even Bother"? category.

A gigantic "dorm sized fridge", one coaster (glad I only have one glass), half a turkey for Thanksgiving and partial Medical Representative Certification.... Thanks for the memories, Quintiles!


O.k....I do feel very silly for asking this....But, SERIOUSLY: Is this contract done with (#6122) or what? I keep getting the run around from everyone!! I can deal with it if the contract is done; but I'm starting to feel pretty stupid dropping off samples. My sweet, money Fujitsu laptop has not worked properly in 7 or 8 months and not only haven't I received a bonus since last year; but now they send me a bill for my Fujitsu laptop and my company car?? WTF! Worst of all, my neck is irritated and red from wearing my Humalog 3-Part Solution lanyard around my neck.

oh yes- the solution provider lanyard. ran from my car to an office one day in the rain and that thing bled all over my white shirt and ruined it.

6122 days were the best. This thread makes me laugh so hard. I can tell you I do not miss counting samples on the last day of the month, the dreaded monthly expense report (the new Lilly contract has to do 2 expense reports a month), and having my manager ride along with me at the last minute. Also the new contract did not get their bonus for the CMR classes that we were forced to take. They were told to be happy they had jobs.

San Antonio and Minneapolis were both really good times. My liver needed a break after the summer of 2008.

6122 days were the best. This thread makes me laugh so hard. I can tell you I do not miss counting samples on the last day of the month, the dreaded monthly expense report (the new Lilly contract has to do 2 expense reports a month), and having my manager ride along with me at the last minute. Also the new contract did not get their bonus for the CMR classes that we were forced to take. They were told to be happy they had jobs.

San Antonio and Minneapolis were both really good times. My liver needed a break after the summer of 2008.

San Antonio and Minneapolis were the beginnings to my alcoholism, laziness and "who gives a shit" attitude. Boy do I miss expensing my bad habits.

Important Update to the Field:

It has been reported to me that one or more of you continues to make Byetta calls in the field despite clear instructions stating that in no circumstances should you do so. Clicking the Byetta box in your CATS system is cause for termination, and we will not remove this button from your CATS system because we would like to continue to enforce this policy for those of you in the field.

I did that BALK!

I miss Jimmy "Zero Tolerance" Keith and his wonderous voicemails. Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!

Oh yeah, you can suck it too, Spreadsheets Carl!


O.k.....All jokes aside: What's the story this contract?? I just cut ANOTHER check out of pocket ($325) for an MYD. All my docs keep telling me they have been writing more Humalog, Byetta and Cialis. But, how would I know!!?? I haven't seen a CATS update or new IMS report in several months.

I'm all about the company and "taking care of today and tomorrow will take care of itself"; but this is getting out of hand.

Honest advice needed here. Should I keep on being on being a Solution Provider or should I get my resume together?

Many thanks! Balk!!

It would be nice to get more samples one of these months! I'm down to only Humalog Turbo Pens and Cialis 2.5 mg. WTF?? Does anyone know when we are getting our CMR raise?

You will be getting Mercedes E-Class automobiles, either in silver or black. The process: please purchase the automobile with you own money and we will reimburse you asap.

That is so cool! I'm starting to look online for Mercedes cars, now. They are a little more expensive than I thought. Do you know how soon we'll be reimbursed? I think I'm going to go with Maroon to match my Humalog lanyard.

Yeah....Sigh....I feel pretty stupid, too. :-( I got off the phone with HR today and they told me I haven't technically been employed since Dec. 31. I guess when things appear too good to be true--no emails, no voicemails, no ride-alongs, no conference calls, no pointless admin assignments--they usually are. I actually was able to go out and sell for a few months without Zero Tolerance Jimmy or Carl "I have a small penis" Buschman bugging me with mindless firedrill paperwork. Damn........

OMG!! Same thing is happening on 8822. I called the police after my company car was stolen Jan 5th. Never caught the MF. I have been riding my bike and taking the bus to my local accounts. My rural territory hasn't seen me for a while, but wtf, just entering detail only in CATS. Still doing two teleconferences a week. Haven't missed a paycheck yet. I'm serious here. I have received a paycheck for 7 months and haven't had a single field ride with a manager. Haven't received any samples, so I just steal them from one office and take them to the next. It's pretty fucking funny. I still run into lilly reps from time to time and they ask me what I'm doing. I just smile and give them the finger. That's the way to keep the chit chat to a minimum.

Are you guys being serious about this thing: the #6122 contract is over!!?? I've been kind of going through the motions for the past year or so and might not have checked email or voicemail. Looking back: maybe I should have returned the ARI fleet and Wex Gas Card message. Is it ending for sure at the end of 2010? Where did you hear that? How do they expect to sell any product without us rockin' it? Granted I've been feeling pretty silly with a Kwik pen demo pen around my neck, Turbo (in a case that a doc wants to see that) Demo Pen and Byetta Demo Pens around my neck. They tend to get tangled up with the Humalog 3-Part Solution Lanyard and Cialis stop watch. I will be pretty pissed if don't reimburesments and back pay from January-present.

That is so cool! I'm starting to look online for Mercedes cars, now. They are a little more expensive than I thought. Do you know how soon we'll be reimbursed? I think I'm going to go with Maroon to match my Humalog lanyard.

Don't worry about the upfront expenses on this-- we want to uphold a certain image here at Quintiles/Novaquest/Innovex/Innotech. Reimbursement should take about 6-10 business days- please enter this expense as a Miscellaneous line item in your Concur system and forward to your manager. You may have to enter it as two line items as Concur limits individual expense items to $75,000 USD.

Also, remember not to make any Byetta calls in your CATS system. I know we can count on you with this.

Don't worry about the upfront expenses on this-- we want to uphold a certain image here at Quintiles/Novaquest/Innovex/Innotech. Reimbursement should take about 6-10 business days- please enter this expense as a Miscellaneous line item in your Concur system and forward to your manager. You may have to enter it as two line items as Concur limits individual expense items to $75,000 USD.

Also, remember not to make any Byetta calls in your CATS system. I know we can count on you with this.

O.k. That is a relief and good to know. I can handle a week or two. I just don't want to be out that moneyfor months, ya know. It's tough enough having to pay for all of these lunches out of pocket. LOL!! I'm assuming Pass Through on this? Thanks so much for the help! Maybe this expense report will get the attention of my manager and he'll finally start approving them! Balk!