Any updates on 6122- Lilly Diabetes?

Sorry you got the wrong information, here. Management never was told to "dangle a carrot" about working for Lilly. All reps i our region, and across the board were told that there was no cross-over for Lilly employment at the outset. That was made clear from day one. It was contractual.

Please don't spread bad press, there is enough of that, already.

Thank you.


Mr. Keith
Nice to hear from you. How are things at the big Q ? I have to agree with you on the carrot dangle issue, I was their for the the whole three years on 6122 was never told role over was an option. I think Buschman was dangling his "carrot" over his spreadsheets. Rumor has it at the end he was found under his desk curled up in the fetal position clutching a red stapler and a weekly sync report. Do us a favor, ask HR to mandate hiring managers to at least interview displaced reps. Its the right thing to do.


This is complete BS!
I originally accepted the position on 6122 because of the chance of being hired directly by Lilly. This was a huge factor for me, and was brought up in my initial interview with my DM. I think that management was told early on by the higher ups that rolling into Lilly was very possible for the reps, and if this was actually against the terms of the contract then it was more misleading than I thought.

I was also told that "there's a good chance you will get rolled into Lilly". Did I believe it or bank on it? NO. But it was used as part of the hiring pitch.

By the way, when are they going to fill the positions? When's the start date? What kind of car do we get....

I was 'their'? Holy crap what an idiot! My 7 year old has better grammar than you. Normally I am not a big stickler for this but wow that is embarrassing for me as a fellow Q employee!

Thank for pointing out my idiotic grammatical error, I am deeply sorry it offended you so. Congratulations on having such an exceptional 7 year old. Children bring such joy to our lives, don't they? I invite you and your child to review all of my future posts, and immediatly notify me of any errors. I also apologize to all Q employees, past and present for making such an egregious error.



I was 'their'? Holy crap what an idiot! My 7 year old has better grammar than you. Normally I am not a big stickler for this but wow that is embarrassing for me as a fellow Q employee!

I think I'm more embarrased to be associated with Q by this poster's comment than a grammatical error. I feel sorry for your kid. I hope he turns out okay.

Thank for pointing out my idiotic grammatical error, I am deeply sorry it offended you so. Congratulations on having such an exceptional 7 year old. Children bring such joy to our lives, don't they? I invite you and your child to review all of my future posts, and immediatly notify me of any errors. I also apologize to all Q employees, past and present for making such an egregious error.



ha- ok that made me laugh. sorry, I was the one who posted that comment about your grammar-- I was being an ass, mostly because I am waiting on a new darned contract. My apologies.

ha- ok that made me laugh. sorry, I was the one who posted that comment about your grammar-- I was being an ass, mostly because I am waiting on a new darned contract. My apologies.

Accepted. I will admit I cringed over the their, there thing. I guess I have never fully recovered from my public edumafacation. Good luck in finding a spot with Q or with another company.


Let's not get serious here. This was the funniest thread yet when it first started. Great wit. Keep it up. We all need a good laugh right now. Even Dan and Daryl would have to laugh at some of the comments here.

and I will also add that I have lots of 2.5mg left as well. Just that I have 1780 calls waiting to be synced into the system. Plus my computer gets really hot, so much that it kind of smells like tater tots. Is that OK?

One final thing- I have seriously been kicking major ass with my IVA presentation. The Humalog 3-part approach is really starting to stick. However, I am pretty much out of the 'tools' that we normally give out.

All is well in the South East area! I have been wearing the KwikPen religiously around my neck every day, and seem to be gaining in some of my offices. I actually met a doctor the other day after, what is it now- 4 years? My Visa doesn't seem to be working either, hopefully there will be no problem getting reimbursed for my office lunch yesterday with 55 people. I am starting to feel good about this whole pharma thing! I feel like I am finally getting some respect.

All is well in the South East area! I have been wearing the KwikPen religiously around my neck every day, and seem to be gaining in some of my offices. I actually met a doctor the other day after, what is it now- 4 years? My Visa doesn't seem to be working either, hopefully there will be no problem getting reimbursed for my office lunch yesterday with 55 people. I am starting to feel good about this whole pharma thing! I feel like I am finally getting some respect.

You too?? Yeah, those big lunches are a killer. I'm up to about $10,000 grand in un-reimbursed expenses--so I can't wait until I get that check! Man, it's going to be like a huge bonus check (that I never received)!! LOL!

Seriously, though....What is the deal? I haven't had a ride-along since November. No voicemails, emails, gas card and Corporate Visa doesn't work. Plus, it's really hard to sell without samples!! Jeez, I almost forgot the worst thing of all: "Problems" with the direct deposit system and payroll and no paychecks!! I hope we get some clarification soon. I'm starting to think I need to get my resume together; but don't want to make a rash decision.

It was a funny thread back in say oh December and january but some of these posts are now just a huge rehash of all the others....move on and get a job!

Well, Simpleton: where do I begin? I imagine you being the only person in the group that never gets a joke and someone has to always explain it to you. And you probably can't understand clever humor and will only laugh at an American's Funniest Home Video when a dad gets kicked in the groin by a little kid.

Here's the premise of the thread, pea brain:
Someone J-O-K-I-N-G that they still think they have a job on contract 6122--the one that ended Dec. 31st. They are still out there selling, spending promo monies and not getting their expense reports approved, not getting their usual paycheck, gas card and company credit card no longer working, etc. You see, Einstein....It's almost June now (six months), so no one would REALLY be stupid enough to think that they still have a job. Of course, after seeing your BRILLIANT response: maybe their really are people that stupid. Is that why you made your bitter response: because it hit home???

Now, if someone from the management team is responding to this--then it makes all the sense in the world. Either they were not very sharp to begin with (likely) or they lost an IQ point every time they would receive one of The Bushman's pointless/busy work spread sheet to desseminate.

It was a funny thread back in say oh December and january but some of these posts are now just a huge rehash of all the others....move on and get a job!

Love too, but Quintiles has kicked us to the curb, so nothing to do but goof on them. Should we go back to goofing on Liars Anonymous Dan and Daryl?

Has anyone heard any contract updates lately? I've been so busy working on the employee engagement survey, I might have missed something. Heard Dan's taking a remedial math course cause his math skills have been a little off the last 6 months. He's the best, always trying to better himself. Wonder what CMR level he's up to by now?

Has anyone heard any contract updates lately? I've been so busy working on the employee engagement survey, I might have missed something. Heard Dan's taking a remedial math course cause his math skills have been a little off the last 6 months. He's the best, always trying to better himself. Wonder what CMR level he's up to by now?

Good. I'm glad I'm not the only one spending extra time on the survey. I hope they read the comments! Some people may have disagreed with the extreme emphasis management (C.B.) put on completing the surveys months before it was due--pretty much above anything else, including sales. I disagree! It was a way to show Lillly that our people (NQ/Quintiles) were on the ball and we could complete the survey FIRST! And, bottom line: it paid off. They (Lilly) saw how great we were at checking the box with totally useless exercises and rewarded us with a renewed contract. Wait, that didn't happen.

And to you "Get over it and get a job" idiots. I did get a job (a much better one, thank god!). It's just fun to poke at what a ridiculous organization this is/was.