Are any of the other current reps getting constantly pestered by JF? I swear he calls me several times a week, some weeks everyday, just to see what I am doing. My god I wish he would get off my back
I am a cancer survivor, and the haters on this thread are wrong. My oncologist sees this test as another piece to the puzzle. It is not the end all and be all, but it can help.
Every patient is different, and will react differently to chemotherapy. So, I ask the haters on this board, "Why are all patients treated the same, when everyone reacts differently to chemotherapy?"
Something is broken in cancer therapy. Something needs to change. Oncologists have embraced some of the molecular markers available today, which helps with understanding the proteomic and genomic aspect of the cell, but does not provide enough information.
Oncologists must take into consideration the functional aspect of the cancer cell as well. And from my research, this is where ChemoFx plays a critical role.
I'm not quite sure about the tactics of sales reps that are described here. But it is more disheartening that more oncologists don't utilize this test. As I said, my oncologist is in favor of utilizing ChemoFx, and I'm proud to have him working with me. Cancer therapists should have an open mind with the new testing coming out.
I'm glad that my oncologist doesn't look at me as an experiment, and took the time to see if my chemotherapy would react with my tumor, instead of just using me as the test. My oncologist cares about me as an individual.
My two cents...