How in the world have you defended this company with your post. You have posted opinions from yourself and others. You have every right to be wrong. Your passion is warranted and even if I don't agree with you I have to respect your opinion and passion. However you did not defend any of the so called lies and hate on this board. It is well known about paying lab techs to send out cases, the old preceptorship trick for refferals, and the lack of clinical data. Even if there are hundreds of studies on assay's in this field, Precision has none. Regardless of what you believe the fact holds true that more information is not always better if it is bad information like found in the chemo FX report. Just validate the test and have patients directed to therapy with the report and show how benificial it is than empiric therapy. It is hard to dispute the truth. 2+2=4. By preying on cancer patients and saying it is better than doing nothing is wrong. There is no efficacy data and to give highly toxic chemotherapy based on the report is scary. Most cancer patients dread the chemotherapy toxicity and hope it is working. It really sucks when they are sick and have long term health problems from a chemotherapy that did nothing for their tumor. Is doing nothing better than doing something wrong? I would say yes. Good luck in the end you are the one that has to look in the mirror every night. Just keep that resume up to date.
OK, fine. *I'll play ONE more time. *
Link to SOME of PTI's clinical data: *
Link to SOME of the ongoing trials (not all inclusive): ***
So, your math is correct. *2+2, does in fact = 4 (Bravo)
It's a shame that some reps choose to compromise their principles chasing the all mighty dollar. *Not much can be done about that, except weed them out.
I live with the ongoing affects of chemotherapy. *So, I understand what you are saying from a deeply personal level.
I believe that PTI has found a better way, and has the data and initiative to back it up.
No worries about needing my resume anytime soon, since you seem so concerned. *Most nights when I look in the mirror, I feel quite satisfied with the work I've done fighting cancer. *Some days are tougher than others, and I've lost some close friends along the way, and undoubtedly will lose more. *But every day is a blessing in my world.
Quite frankly, I think you, and others on this thread who bash PTI, are stupid. I can beat cancer, I can't fix stupid. I wish I could help you. Sorry about that.
One last time: *Good luck, and good health to you.