The above poster pretty much sums up the intelligence of the current entire sales force, including MM.
I've never encountered such an unethical, low class, bunch of idiots in my life. Upper Management is completely incompetent and not trustworthy. They tell lies to everyone, from the people who work in their labs to their sales force, and lastly, to the doctors and patients who order this piece piece of crap test. MM, JF, and KK by far are by far the worst offenders. The only 2 decent managers they had were BL and GD. Karma is coming back to bite MM in the butt, he has single handed run this company into the ground.
And why does SM allow MM to continue his reign of terror? Cause even though SM is intelligent, socially he is incompetent, just like MM. These two are so out of touch with reality. I would have loved to see MM go out in the field and successfully sell his line of bullcrap to all the docs out there.
Employers and headhunters know the horrible reputation of this company and their reps, everyone should be running for the hills!