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Not before we send NN a box of jammies, rainbow socks, glitter and a pink cap, enjoy Boyz. As for the album, heck ya, enjoy original scores such as-

"Do you hear what I hear? A beer" by KD

"Silent fight" an original score with CB & TN

"Nurtec is coming to town" by MK

"Male nuts roasting on an open fire" original score by the single gals

"Last Christmas" Bob B special message for our brand

"O' holy night [sh#t]" by our managed care team

"Twelve days of Webex calls" by the training department"

"Feliz Hermesdad" medical team debut song

"O' Christmas-rif tree" by accounting

Add your song to our secret Santa list, if chosen, you too can be onscreen with NN. If you lose, TN will require you to dress as "little drummer boy" for all to see. Let's rock baby!

Greatest post in cafepharma history.

It’s all about CB and TN….How about KM?

She is nice, yet in over her ahead. It was easy for CB and KM when there was no competition and they could leverage their marketing from another industry. Now they look like B team players by companies who aren’t playing pickle ball or patty cake.
I’m surprised they are both still here. Normal brands would have replaced the leadership by now with new perspective.

It’s all about CB and TN….How about KM?

KM is the real deal, she should replace both TN and CB. She understands the market, bigger picture and communicates well. Another fan favorite is RA but no way in hell he will break through the female glass ceiling. The Pedel gal is good too and helps our teams.

KM is the real deal, she should replace both TN and CB. She understands the market, bigger picture and communicates well. Another fan favorite is RA but no way in hell he will break through the female glass ceiling. The Pedel gal is good too and helps our teams.

Thanks for your thoughts KM! Now go back to riding your Peloton while rocking to the Holiday Album from the NN Band.

She is nice, yet in over her ahead. It was easy for CB and KM when there was no competition and they could leverage their marketing from another industry. Now they look like B team players by companies who aren’t playing pickle ball or patty cake.
I’m surprised they are both still here. Normal brands would have replaced the leadership by now with new perspective.
This is why you’re playing for third place losers!!!

We drink your milkshakes. We drink ‘em up!

KM is the real deal, she should replace both TN and CB. She understands the market, bigger picture and communicates well. Another fan favorite is RA but no way in hell he will break through the female glass ceiling. The Pedel gal is good too and helps our teams.

Is RA ross? Oh my, ooolala. We saw him running @ Camelback shirtless Saturday. Yowza, Josh Duhamel clone, same height, age, and chest. Pleeeeze join Lilly

Been here for 4 years, and I don't know who KM is in this division? Who the heck is she?

KM = Karamo marketing we went to the Dollar Store for our spokesman-woman. This is your leadership at work, DIB trumps all business needs which is fine except we are losing, and badly. It's across the board with wrong people in the wrong spots.

Our BU is running off a cliff. CB doesn’t care and has half moved on already. TN sold out the formers to get the job but should keep it as she was so blinded to separate the partnership that now it’s even worse and exposed how basic we are running things. Not to mention she’s made 3 poor RD hires that lack the ability to lead or are afraid of her. Either way they shouldn’t be there.
Let’s enjoy this time off and pray Murd sees how lack luster Hermes is compared to oh our competitors that are going straight for the jugular of our other competitors while we smell dandelions. Time to clean house.

Our BU is running off a cliff. CB doesn’t care and has half moved on already. TN sold out the formers to get the job but should keep it as she was so blinded to separate the partnership that now it’s even worse and exposed how basic we are running things. Not to mention she’s made 3 poor RD hires that lack the ability to lead or are afraid of her. Either way they shouldn’t be there.
Let’s enjoy this time off and pray Murd sees how lack luster Hermes is compared to oh our competitors that are going straight for the jugular of our other competitors while we smell dandelions. Time to clean house.

TN wanted three people to be her puppet but what happens when the puppet master doesn’t know how to pull the strings?

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