Annette Powers… doomed leader

We need VPs with great job experience and knowledge, and not just BMS knowledge, but INDUSTRY knowledge. This forces the VP to lean and hide behind our vendors who haven't updated their thinking in 25 years. It is because of the incompetence of these VPs and above that we are in the mess we are in.
Current access team is so bloated esp WW. So many “PASL” roles without expertise that are running around spending money on consultants. A little mini fiefdom—- for what value.? Waaay too many VPs that are over titled and fight for recognition in a desperate show of lack of skill. AP gossips about everyone— throwing MAncill and Adam and her own leaders under the bus behind their backs. Culture killer— no substance, so fills time with drama and meddling. Ask a detailed question and you’ll see the truth—- no US current knowledge. Danger here.

Current access team is so bloated esp WW.
Just wait til December. U know the DEI trio of Mancil, Annette and Kathryne got to cut another 20% by then. WW will be gutted, but Mancil will keep posting on linked in about all the great talent coming to MAX. Just a slap in the face of the ppl who got fired.

Current access team is so bloated esp WW. So many “PASL” roles without expertise that are running around spending money on consultants. A little mini fiefdom—- for what value.? Waaay too many VPs that are over titled and fight for recognition in a desperate show of lack of skill. AP gossips about everyone— throwing MAncill and Adam and her own leaders under the bus behind their backs. Culture killer— no substance, so fills time with drama and meddling. Ask a detailed question and you’ll see the truth—- no US current knowledge. Danger here.
It’s not just Mancil & Lenkowsky that she speaks ill of. It’s also all the other commercial leaders on the LT. Makes it seem like they are clueless. But the way she cusses Adam is indeed amazing considering he propped her up. Guess her insecurities are driving her to do this.

Adam needs to clean VAP now!! WW is very top heavy with lowest rank as at Director level, meanwhile these people are so empty and working on BS projects spending company money on fancy useless slides. They are oversized and need a 50% hair cut

These are the brainiacs that screwed up the Sotyktu launch. The whole access strategy was shambolic. Had this team delivered on good access, Sotyktu would have been on a solid launch trajectory. But reading everything in this post so far, we now know why & how these pin heads screwed it up. What a disaster. Lurch would be better served replacing this broad with someone competent from Abbvie.

Annette know jack about access. She speaks like she does but only ends up making a fool of herself. Gossip and useless talk, she is the queen. It’s funny how people cancel meetings with her just to save themselves useless bs. And yes…. She talks a whole lot about how great Celene was. Lady… shut up… you were barely there a heartbeat before they got acquired. Now BMS is stuck with you like a lip sore.

Adam needs to clean VAP now!! WW is very top heavy with lowest rank as at Director level, meanwhile these people are so empty and working on BS projects spending company money on fancy useless slides. They are oversized and need a 50% hair cut
Adam needs to clean himself. Boerner and Adam have let go of the best leaders in HEOR and VAP. So what’s all the whining. Celgene has had a riot run at BMS. Promotions and driving BMS personnel out are the only goals of ex Celgene who never considered BMS as their employer. BMS messed it up with Celgene by retaining their staff in large numbers, not splitting them or mixing them with BMS employees. Stop focusing on DEI. Focus on why the heck are so many Celgene employees still around after several rounds of layoffs getting routinely promoted.

None of them like her. GL in particular can’t stand the sight of her. Unfortunately she can’t get rid of him since he is competent and she is useless. It’s fun to see that dynamic.
He hates her guts and his team too they all bad mouth her!! but he is a bully himself so i don't feel bad for him. He should have been gone a while ago, BMS needs fresh mind set

She is promoting an environment of glorified project managers , they should call them GPM rather than PASL, living off other teams work .
PASL…. What a load of crap that title is. But what they do is even less important. Other than CV (Eliquis especially) they have had ZERO impact. The brand teams defecate all over them. It’s a useless function. A brainless nitwit could do that role. Explains why Annette leads that team. She is a complete dimwit.

None of them like her. GL in particular can’t stand the sight of her. Unfortunately she can’t get rid of him since he is competent and she is useless. It’s fun to see that dynamic.
Oh that situation is funny as heck! He sticks it to her seven ways to Sunday. And she cannot do ANYTHING about it.