Anne Sigouin (GM ArjoHuntleigh) willingness to hurt the business

Sigouin train of thought is simple, how can I squeeze customer as much as possible.From jacking up prices of parts, labor rate to reducing way too much inventory, you name it, she did it all. Achieving next quarter is her only objective.

During the Capital Markets Day, Arjo President & CEO, Joacim Lindoff, together with members of the Management Team, presented Arjo’s updated strategy. It boiled down to outcomes and being customer centric. Sigouin fired anyone not focus enough on her, not customers. Come on, how much time is devoted to customers in any of her meetings. Her only interest is when & how much money she can get out of them.

It is not about customers but stories they can tell themselve. Read the presentation, they are looking for a less competitive environment. Their claim is few to no companies offer outcome based programs. The reality Arjo can't compete with current cost structure/ products offering.

With over 100K views, this threads is within top 10 Cafepharma. The nb of employees/ reads ratio is an official number one. Not clear what's going on at Arjo but it has strong traction for sure.

More so no one write to defend Sigouin. Typically, in these blogs, debates are about strengths and weaknesses of a given manager. Here we can only read a long list of her weakneses.