If another company calls our HR Dept, all they can confirm is when we started with KS & our current compensation -55K + Commission). Thats it. On the application for the new company, check the box that says you do not wish Karl Storz( current employer) to be contacted.
Totally with you on the letterhead. Made myself 1st or 2nd in the region for past year showing growth. Also added some additional responsibilities - District Trainer, Representative Advisory Board, etc. Have several bites from various device companies, just waiting for best offer.
Good Luck!
Thank you for this great advice mental giant. I hope you can sucker some idiot to offer you a job . That way you can go be a whiney bitch on their board. Better hope the hiring manger does not do a quick read through of the storz board on cp before an offer is made. I know i would as a RM .We will be better off without you.