Beat me to it! Thats an accurate description
I’m very concerned about this launch and it starts with training. I love SF to death but she’s overworked and the department is understaffed. After all this time since MM got fired they STILL haven’t found a replacement. BC is basically an Employee at Large and has no experience running a Training Department. Basically he’s become HK’s beyotch. Talk about a person whose integrity and respect from others has taken a hit.
Hopefully I won’t be around for the pathetic attempt at a launch that will be IPX. When it fails no one actually involved in its failure will get blamed. No, they will get promoted and given fat checks. Just look at BC.
When the launch fails and it will, we will all be gone. There will be no need for a PD team. Heck, we don’t even have enough samples to give to providers. What does that say?