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Allergan to Abbvie managers

This is 100% spot on! I couldn’t have said it better! I’m newer to the company but have been in the industry a long time. I’m just blown away by the fear-based micromanagement and the metrics based management coming from the RD! You are so right! There is no room for compassion, understanding, empathy, etc…. They must have missed the saying “People don’t care how much you know til they know how much you care”. I work hard for myself but certainly am not motivated to work hard for management- instead I find myself considering looking for a healthier working environment. These managers, starting with the RD, suck!!

It’s a fairly simple equation.

Most Forest/ Allergan/ AbbVie (whatever the hell you want to call them) CNS DMs are promoted way before they are ready. Someone in senior leadership doesn’t seem to get the fact that just because you can put up sales numbers doesn’t mean you can lead people (the same holds true with DM to RD promotions).

They find themselves lacking the soft skills of leadership (empathy, professional maturity, flexibility, listening skills….we could go on and on) and are forced to lead from a point of view dominated by metrics.

Since they are unable to offer anything of any real value (problem solving, collaboration, connection to resources), they have no choice but to manage based on metrics. This results in a “my size fits all” leadership approach that has no room for any type of individualized coaching.

How about who cares who your boss is or from and just do job. Forest doesn’t exist anymore.
Exactly. You can thank that moron Bill Meury for this. He is the most horrible. Egotistical piece of garbage to ever walk this earth. He created those unfit managers, directors and Vice Presidents you’re dealing with now.

Forrest and Allerghan were among the worst in ethics and culture of any big pharma company. Not all but so many Sleazy people all the way!
Cut the cult or they will eat you.
But maybe Abbvie will dissect you and sell off bits and pieces of the WHC and the people will be downsized and culture gone altogether?

This is so true what you are all saying about Forest.

I got out of the cult almost 10 years ago. At the time my DM was some 28 year old moron who had been promoted after about 2 years of sales "success". Prior to that he was at Enterprise, like the majority of DMs were in the midwest. Funny thing was I was partners with him when he was a rep and offices cringed when he walked in. He was arrogant and actually believed he was smarter than people with MD degrees.

These DMs are so insecure they do read these posts regularly. You're a joke former Forest DMs and most of your reps can't stand you. But you probably know this. Its probably noy all your fault because you're lead by people like Jason Hall, a midwest RD in the mid early 2010s who at POA meetings would make all the reps ranked in the bottom 50% of rankings pose for a group picture. He would then project it on a big screen to everyone. Biggest douchebag mobe ever.

I'm embarrassed to mention to anyine now I worked Forest. It's a badge of shame.

This is so true what you are all saying about Forest.

I got out of the cult almost 10 years ago. At the time my DM was some 28 year old moron who had been promoted after about 2 years of sales "success". Prior to that he was at Enterprise, like the majority of DMs were in the midwest. Funny thing was I was partners with him when he was a rep and offices cringed when he walked in. He was arrogant and actually believed he was smarter than people with MD degrees.

These DMs are so insecure they do read these posts regularly. You're a joke former Forest DMs and most of your reps can't stand you. But you probably know this. Its probably noy all your fault because you're lead by people like Jason Hall, a midwest RD in the mid early 2010s who at POA meetings would make all the reps ranked in the bottom 50% of rankings pose for a group picture. He would then project it on a big screen to everyone. Biggest douchebag mobe ever.

I'm embarrassed to mention to anyine now I worked Forest. It's a badge of shame.

Examples like this that you give about the age and experience of the DM's and RD's pulling shit like the picture is absolutely perfect. If it was a few cases of this here and there, then this would be the typical pharma company. However... it is not. They should have flushed the toilet years ago on people like Renner and probably 2/3 of the RD's. They live in a world where it's 2005, share of voice still rules and every office is wide open with access. Get rid of them, Abbvie. Please.

I agree with all the post above! The best comparison is with what happened with Urban Meyers at Jacksonville! Everything is great when you are winning and people will put up with a lot. As soon as that’s gone you get exposed for being a fraud. What’s Ironic is SFM had her region listen to a podcast about culture from Urban lol. The stories how people were treat and fear based management are completely true. Not to mention off label selling and “pharmacy pull through” which is a nice way of saying do shady shit to get scripts through.

The best part is that if you voice any type of opposition or disagreement at all, you’re immediately cast as someone with an attitude problem who will erode the culture (oh the irony)…leadership always asks for candor but if it’s not puppy dogs and sunshine, there is hell to pay for the rep who does actually speak up.

They then do an amazing job of gaslighting you into thinking you’re some worthless failure with clever quotes like, “I can’t want to be successful more than you do”. I’ve seen people do some crazy things at the expense of their ethics, mental health, home life in an attempt to get to appease these megalomaniacs.

Give this poster a raise, please.
I think it’s a fairly safe bet that this poster has moved on…and if that’s the case, you know damn well they are making better money now that they were at Forest/ Actavis/ Allergan.

DMs used to love bragging on the uncapped ICP money in the interviews while leaving out the shenanigans sales admin would pull when it came to actually delivering, at least consistently. You may get one killer bonus but you know damn well the next quarter’s goal will be…”F#@K you…now do better”

The best part is that if you voice any type of opposition or disagreement at all, you’re immediately cast as someone with an attitude problem who will erode the culture (oh the irony)…leadership always asks for candor but if it’s not puppy dogs and sunshine, there is hell to pay for the rep who does actually speak up.

They then do an amazing job of gaslighting you into thinking you’re some worthless failure with clever quotes like, “I can’t want to be successful more than you do”. I’ve seen people do some crazy things at the expense of their ethics, mental health, home life in an attempt to get to appease these megalomaniacs.

man, I feel this cause it’s so true. The manipulation and erosion of your self confidence is real Thankfully there’s life after Forest. It does take time to heal from those wounds and scars. But I wear my time there like a badge of honor. I didn’t sell my soul or integrity to become one of the minions. I feel sorry for those who spent their entire career there. The depths of depravity they purposely have put themselves through is amazing. They aren’t even aware of the humiliation they wantonly bring open themselves to please the likes of CR, SB and BM. Only to find out the same evil games they played with others lives and souls are now being played on them by those they once blindly followed.

man, I feel this cause it’s so true. The manipulation and erosion of your self confidence is real Thankfully there’s life after Forest. It does take time to heal from those wounds and scars. But I wear my time there like a badge of honor. I didn’t sell my soul or integrity to become one of the minions. I feel sorry for those who spent their entire career there. The depths of depravity they purposely have put themselves through is amazing. They aren’t even aware of the humiliation they wantonly bring open themselves to please the likes of CR, SB and BM. Only to find out the same evil games they played with others lives and souls are now being played on them by those they once blindly followed.

Congrats to you! Don’t know anyone who regrets leaving

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