This shows how fucking dumb Allergan has their folks. They yip on about performance performance performance. Which to an Allergan rep=calls per day. That’s fine when the patients you represent do not have complex issues. A monkey could hock the lowest estro birth control pill.
The patients that AbbVie reps (prior to Allergan buying Abbvie) seek to help have chronic issues. You can’t waltz in w/ the same salesy attitude. The Allergan approach to this chronic patient type falls deaf.
“Dr, I want your next 10 pain patients. And I’ll call you twice a week until you throw me out.”
—Good luck.
The pelvic pain market takes more finesse than most any Allergan employee could hope to muster. You cannot drive chronic disorders into submission with 15 calls per day.
And Abbvie reps in WH are mostly rejects that n’r impressed their way out. Lazy, shell game playing, self preserving cheats. At least with some individuality.
The Solvay reps amongst us certainly all spawned from the same gremlin fed after midnight. Brainless suck up zombies with non productive boomerang thoughts.
The obstacles the WH franchise face, in my opinion, are insurmountable and unrelenting.
Most efforts the franchise make end up just costing offices more time and setbacks.
Nearly every WH call has negative value.