Abbvie Allergan salaries

Neither and YOU are showing your stupidity. Friends and colleagues I know personally are raking it in with substantial 6 figure base salaries; their bonuses are fabulous, oh and stock options too. Now these folks are the start up salesforce, when BH was selecting seasoned candidates. Subsequently they paid up for their experience. The new hires not so much.

Ok sorry you must fit into a 3rd category. Younger PCP rep trying to climb the pay scale ladder. Nothing wrong with that but careful not to think what is good pay for yourself is good for others. Many of us reps make over 200k annually and would not sniff at a base salary less than 150k. Good luck with your job search pal.

Ok sorry you must fit into a 3rd category. Younger PCP rep trying to climb the pay scale ladder. Nothing wrong with that but careful not to think what is good pay for yourself is good for others. Many of us reps make over 200k annually and would not sniff at a base salary less than 150k. Good luck with your job search pal.

Of course these newbie reps think pay is all based on them. Haha they think 100k is the ultimate pharma paying job. They only know what they know.

Ok sorry you must fit into a 3rd category. Younger PCP rep trying to climb the pay scale ladder. Nothing wrong with that but careful not to think what is good pay for yourself is good for others. Many of us reps make over 200k annually and would not sniff at a base salary less than 150k. Good luck with your job search pal.

yes, a rep can make 200, if they were a former DM and choose a rep role. Pay scale for reps is up there, but rarified air.

you are not even in sales, just a representative. Would you command that selling cars, houses or dental? No.

and yes, there are reps around you making more and less. wanna make more - get promoted or interview for a promotion with another org.

yes, a rep can make 200, if they were a former DM and choose a rep role. Pay scale for reps is up there, but rarified air.

you are not even in sales, just a representative. Would you command that selling cars, houses or dental? No.

and yes, there are reps around you making more and less. wanna make more - get promoted or interview for a promotion with another org.

Again using your personal situation as your salary survey makes you look quite foolish. If you only fish in your small personalized pond you will only catch small goldfish. Don’t be so foolish to believe your catch at your level is as good as it gets. Now file bank into the ranks my boy and keep that nose to the grind. One day you may get that salary up to industry standards.

Problem is that abbvie reps were used to compensation not based on performance so most not working at the level of allergan partners.
This shows how fucking dumb Allergan has their folks. They yip on about performance performance performance. Which to an Allergan rep=calls per day. That’s fine when the patients you represent do not have complex issues. A monkey could hock the lowest estro birth control pill.
The patients that AbbVie reps (prior to Allergan buying Abbvie) seek to help have chronic issues. You can’t waltz in w/ the same salesy attitude. The Allergan approach to this chronic patient type falls deaf.
“Dr, I want your next 10 pain patients. And I’ll call you twice a week until you throw me out.”
—Good luck.
The pelvic pain market takes more finesse than most any Allergan employee could hope to muster. You cannot drive chronic disorders into submission with 15 calls per day.
And Abbvie reps in WH are mostly rejects that n’r impressed their way out. Lazy, shell game playing, self preserving cheats. At least with some individuality.
The Solvay reps amongst us certainly all spawned from the same gremlin fed after midnight. Brainless suck up zombies with non productive boomerang thoughts.
The obstacles the WH franchise face, in my opinion, are insurmountable and unrelenting.
Most efforts the franchise make end up just costing offices more time and setbacks.
Nearly every WH call has negative value.

Ok sorry you must fit into a 3rd category. Younger PCP rep trying to climb the pay scale ladder. Nothing wrong with that but careful not to think what is good pay for yourself is good for others. Many of us reps make over 200k annually and would not sniff at a base salary less than 150k. Good luck with your job search pal.
Just pointing out what you erroneously stated BUD

Neither and YOU are showing your stupidity. Friends and colleagues I know personally are raking it in with substantial 6 figure base salaries; their bonuses are fabulous, oh and stock options too. Now these folks are the start up salesforce, when BH was selecting seasoned candidates. Subsequently they paid up for their experience. The new hires not so much.

Please do share what your “friends” so called “substantial” base salaries are?

I’ll say this….. bonus plans come and go in this industry. Occasionally companies fumble the ball and reps make bank. Once companies realize this they clamp down and shut it down and they dry up. Generally a good paying specialty gig pays a base in 140-160 range and rare disease/oncology can go as high as 165-185 range. Most target bonuses are in 45-50 range.

I’ll say this….. bonus plans come and go in this industry. Occasionally companies fumble the ball and reps make bank. Once companies realize this they clamp down and shut it down and they dry up. Generally a good paying specialty gig pays a base in 140-160 range and rare disease/oncology can go as high as 165-185 range. Most target bonuses are in 45-50 range.
except their bonuses have been pretty consistent. Sure this can change AND how many oncology positions are available? Openings are fiercely competitive. Comparing higher end specialty to lower grade specialties is apples and oranges.

I’ll say this….. bonus plans come and go in this industry. Occasionally companies fumble the ball and reps make bank. Once companies realize this they clamp down and shut it down and they dry up. Generally a good paying specialty gig pays a base in 140-160 range and rare disease/oncology can go as high as 165-185 range. Most target bonuses are in 45-50 range.

this is more true than not

Hahahaha work here chump and you and I both know that 120 base is not the norm..remove the water behind YOUR ears.

again keep foaming from the mouth with your ignorance basing your opinion on where you work. I would agree that Abbvie is NOT true specialty sales and way below norm for pay. Good luck being you pal!

except their bonuses have been pretty consistent. Sure this can change AND how many oncology positions are available? Openings are fiercely competitive. Comparing higher end specialty to lower grade specialties is apples and oranges.

Problem is the term “specialty” is used very loosely. Lower grade specialty as you put it is basically a primary care job. Nobody wants to admit that they are primary care rep. Basically if you call on PCP it’s not specialty. At least base salaries are not paid like specialty. Another good gauge is if your base is under 125 you are not specialty.

Problem is the term “specialty” is used very loosely. Lower grade specialty as you put it is basically a primary care job. Nobody wants to admit that they are primary care rep. Basically if you call on PCP it’s not specialty. At least base salaries are not paid like specialty. Another good gauge is if your base is under 125 you are not specialty.
Which circles back to my point; Biohaven claims to be specialty but really an upgraded primary care job. However they started out the new hires over a year ago at 120 and up (nothing to sneer at) along with chunky bonus's and stock option. I can't vouch for the new hires since then. All and all there are viable alternative to this company yet few and far between.

Which circles back to my point; Biohaven claims to be specialty but really an upgraded primary care job. However they started out the new hires over a year ago at 120 and up (nothing to sneer at) along with chunky bonus's and stock option. I can't vouch for the new hires since then. All and all there are viable alternative to this company yet few and far between.

Biohaven would be a nice bridge job for you to do between Abbvie and a true specialty. Maybe spend next couple years and then try to move up to real specialty sales. Those jobs start in 140s for base and go up into 150s and 160s and a handful even higher. Good luck at Biohaven.

Biohaven would be a nice bridge job for you to do between Abbvie and a true specialty. Maybe spend next couple years and then try to move up to real specialty sales. Those jobs start in 140s for base and go up into 150s and 160s and a handful even higher. Good luck at Biohaven.

Thanks. All I really know is Abbvie so good to know there are much better opportunities out there.