AIT Laboratories

What is a Dominion rep to do? AIT ae has been in territory. AE is fired or has left and AIT has not replaced rep. What does dominion rep think? Obviously, AIT is closing down. See, it's easy to see why dominion rep would say!

For it to be defamation it has to be untrue. While an argument could be made that it's dirty. The reality is over a 70% loss of business in a 24 month period of time. The industry is well aware AIT is not in good shape and the obvious need for change in overall leadership didn't happen. With the outside Salesforce weeks away from leaving their physician clients to be managed by inside sales only...... it can only be expected those clients will be gone (following the trend already established by doing so) and the desperation game plan for next year is going to make or break the company. So many current employees are running their mouths to recruiters, hiring managers, ando HR managers at other companies; the word is out.

A company so quick to make slanderous statements about current and former employees really shouldn't be so concerned about what may or may not be being said in the field by the competition.

every field of competition is governed by rules (laws) and ethics (standard of conduct). all sales people must be able to follow both or they need to get off the field. while some reps may be able to follow the rules, they are clearly challenged ethically.

I agree AIT had had a number of reps who encouraged physicians to do illegal things, such as billing for testing on cups the physician did not purchase and turning a blind eye when they learned physicians were. Or not reporting felonies being carried out by AIT employees in offices. Good luck with the new plan this year; the rate of lost cusomers is only growing and can't keep going much longer.

every field of competition is governed by rules (laws) and ethics (standard of conduct). all sales people must be able to follow both or they need to get off the field. while some reps may be able to follow the rules, they are clearly challenged ethically.

I just got an ESOP statement in the mail from 12/31/2013. It shows the market value
going from .39 cents in 2012 to $65 a share in 2013. ???? Really AIT ???
I have to think AIT must have settled with the FEDS.........Meaning the 4 who paid
themselves a total $16million when they inflated the shares have settled out of court...
Just wondering if any other previous employees received their ESOP statements?

I just got an ESOP statement in the mail from 12/31/2013. It shows the market value
going from .39 cents in 2012 to $65 a share in 2013. ???? Really AIT ???
I have to think AIT must have settled with the FEDS.........Meaning the 4 who paid
themselves a total $16million when they inflated the shares have settled out of court...
Just wondering if any other previous employees received their ESOP statements?

I received mine as well. I don't understand the huge increase. How do we get our money?

If you cash out your ESOP you will pay a 20% tax and a 10% penalty if you are under
the age of 55. It's better to just roll it over to an IRA account.

The increase in the ESOP should be answered by the administrator of the plan....
Good luck with that....... The Feds have been investigating the four who inflated the
value of the ESOP...

Re: AIT Laboratories-state of company

I am with a clinic using AIT and wondering about the state of the company? Service doesn't seem great and we are hit up weekly by other companies that seem to have more to offer. We have stayed with AIT though but should I be concerned where the company is heading?

Also patients seem to be getting collection calls now? Is that happening? And since I haven't seen our rep in awhile can someone tell me how much a tox test is for a self insured patient? Thanks

AIT is in bad shape. Word on the street is they will be filing for Bankruptcy in the
near future. Do your patients and your office a favor and switch labs fast. They are
billing patients as far back as a year now. They are out of network with all insurances
( like most labs) but are billing the patient whatever their insurance company doesn't pay.
Their bills could range from $400-$1600. The self pay patient was being charged anywhere
from $400-$1200. They were letting go of all their outside sales reps and just using inside
customer service reps to retain clients like youreslf so you might get a once a month call
for supply orders.
It is very sad what has happened to this company. 5 years ago they were strong but like most labs they got greedy and self destructed with Bad, Poor, Corp Executives... CEO, COO CFO and Director of Sales........who like to blame the fall of AIT on their salesforce...The owner Dr. Evans and his wife and 3 other executives are under Federal Investigation for
inflating their own ESOP plan and then paying themselves.
Run fast from this company and really research who will be your next lab.

People on this site have been claiming AIT would go bankrupt 'any time now' for the last three years. Much of the rest of the claims are exaggerated at best.

Your such a JOKE.......All of the claims on this site are from past and present sales reps...
and Managers and Vice Presidents too............
Great reps that were robbed of great careers...and their ESOP...Which you would know
nothing about since you were Not even with AIT 3,4,5,and 6 years ago when this lab
wasn't such a joke with a horrible reputation like it has now........ Let's many
law suits are currently active against AIT.....I know of at least 6...All under Seal still.....
Every department has been cut...........When AIT is finished paying out for all the claims
they have against them.....You will be reading on this site about everyones exaggerated
This is what happens to labs when they become Greedy Little Bastards...........