AIT Laboratories

They are probably closer to losing 80% of their clients than they think under SL's watch. If the company was serious about turning things around it would have started with his dismissal earlier this year.

Everyone calling for SL to be fired needs to stop and think; he obviously has a contract that AIT cannot afford to break.

Evans, et al, got what they deserved when they brought that piece of crap on board, didn't do enough background search to know he did not SAVE any companies or improve any company's performance. A google search would have exposed the SOB for what he actually is -- a fast talking LOSER! with a fat contract and no way for AIT to get out of it, I love it. lolololololololololol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8 reps in the field. Nothing east of Ohio and nothing south of Kentucky. When SL started there was close to 50, that's what varsity leadership gets you. A 75% loss of clients.

Only accept the position if they agree to pay you three months salary if they lay you off the first 6 months. 90% of new hires are let go in training or that period of time. Also be prepared for them to jack up your quota after you start getting your number. I would ask why have you lost 75% of your clients the last 18 months.