Agreed! Telling your reps, to be "Happy to have a Job" is the worst message to give to a team. That DM seems scared or have low self esteem. Such a shame to hear those words. A true leader never is "just Happy"

My hubby is a DM. I am a DM . We pull in $552K last year with bonus and options. We met in Hawaii on a P Club trip. Both own several green jackets. We will retire within 5 years as company will change over to new sales methodology and reps will be downsized to oblivion.

my hubby is a dentist and a very good one. last year he netted $607K. I made $157K with Forest and I only worked 23 hours a week on average. The other hours I helped my Hubby run his dental practice. what a great country we live in. I don't have a green jacket, but I bought my hubby one for St. Patrick's Day last year. we really have some fun together!

my hubby is a dentist and a very good one. last year he netted $607K. I made $157K with Forest and I only worked 23 hours a week on average. The other hours I helped my Hubby run his dental practice. what a great country we live in. I don't have a green jacket, but I bought my hubby one for St. Patrick's Day last year. we really have some fun together!

What a great success story. There is a lot of mony in root canals.

Here's my story: My honey is a hedge fund manager. She made over $12 mil last year, with major bets on oil price dropping to $50/barrel. She knows her puts and calls. I am a lowly DM and pull in around $165K. Truely chump change.

What a great success story. There is a lot of mony in root canals.

Here's my story: My honey is a hedge fund manager. She made over $12 mil last year, with major bets on oil price dropping to $50/barrel. She knows her puts and calls. I am a lowly DM and pull in around $165K. Truely chump change.

You should quit and give your DM slot to a poor underpaid rep !

Seems like Vince and Jon Have there differences...... I heard that Jon M is making a boatload of money with his new gig, and he got a heck of a package. What did Vince get? or make last year, and not from his inlaws.

Seems like Vince and Jon Have there differences...... I heard that Jon M is making a boatload of money with his new gig, and he got a heck of a package. What did Vince get? or make last year, and not from his inlaws.

Did very well probably $275k.Plus alot of stock. His wife is also loaded and is a successful
Real estate broker. So. he really doesn't have to work.