LOL....What a joke Forest DM's are, first they act as if they have power and put down reps, second when there job is now on the line they squirm and call attorneys. Why not lead by example and help your reps, then you wont have to worry about losing your job.

JM was the RD that allowed Vince to continue his behavior. Vince has vast knowledge about JM's ways and will not hesitate to divulge them if necessary!!

Johns behavior is worse than Vince's. How does HR let JM continue with his "straying" ways. While it is his personal business and only his w*fe should really care, he is still representing this company. Many people from other companies, offices, etc. know about JM's reputation, so doesn't it make our company look bad when a female rep, dm, dr.'s staff(or any female for that matter) has an "encounter" with him, (thinking he's single then finding out the truth)

Vince did not like JM because JM did not have any respect for Vince. JM would let it be known to us at the DM meetings. He said Vince needs to step it up and be a man not a box checker. Said Vince was weak at best and the company should let him go. Vince heard that and ran to HR.

Vince did not like JM because JM did not have any respect for Vince. JM would let it be known to us at the DM meetings. He said Vince needs to step it up and be a man not a box checker. Said Vince was weak at best and the company should let him go. Vince heard that and ran to HR.

I was at a meeting when it was said to Vince that JM would make fun of him. He had this look on his face like he was going to cry. JM said Vince needed to grow a set and man up.

OK Vince, now that your little pet Mike C got canned who are you going to blow. Your next. I'm surprised that the company let that thief work as long as they did. YOU Vince knew that he didn't work and would scam lunches. Karma!

WOW! A DM that knew his rep was doing something illegal? Wont be the first time. Im sure that corporate is investigating that DM if they just canned one of his reps.

Now that Vince is scared he is starting to leak information about JM's behavior which is probably the worst in the company. It is truly unbelievable that upper management keeps JM around when a lawsuit is inevitable.