Another morning and another motivational email from my manager.

Nothing grinds my gears more than all these unathletic fat body managers and directors that love to use sports metaphors in their BS motivational talks.

They know nothing about the dedication and commitment it takes to be an athlete. They don't know what real competition is or what its like to push through real blood sweat and tears.

I train everyday in the gym and compete in athletic fitness competitions and races. The gains I see in my training gives me so much more satisfaction and fulfillment than this crappy job. You can't liken delivering coffees, catering lunches, and getting sample signatures to any personal athletic achievement.

I hate these fat body managers. I don't want direction from anyone that can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.

As I cater today's lunch for an office full of pigs I will be thinking about the Al Pacino Inch by Inch speech.

Management (DM here) values reps that stay fit. Yes indeed, running a mile under 8 minutes is very commendable. In our business, however, we are measured by how much we sell. Whether or not your DM has baby fat, a pouch, a big ass (females), or is pear-shaped is not of concern to senior management. What counts is the BOTTOM LINE sales numbers not the 8 MINUTE MILE or 6 pack abs or 2 pack butt (female). You must be an uneducated or ill-trained Rep. Advise you contact HR for special remedial training of your grey matter.

Another morning and another motivational email from my manager.

Nothing grinds my gears more than all these unathletic fat body managers and directors that love to use sports metaphors in their BS motivational talks.

They know nothing about the dedication and commitment it takes to be an athlete. They don't know what real competition is or what its like to push through real blood sweat and tears.

I train everyday in the gym and compete in athletic fitness competitions and races. The gains I see in my training gives me so much more satisfaction and fulfillment than this crappy job. You can't liken delivering coffees, catering lunches, and getting sample signatures to any personal athletic achievement.

I hate these fat body managers. I don't want direction from anyone that can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.

As I cater today's lunch for an office full of pigs I will be thinking about the Al Pacino Inch by Inch speech.

Bet you can't pass a mirror without staring for a couple of minutes....right. You're so vain it's pathetic. Time for another dose=what is it roids or HGH today? With the rant you posted it must be roids.

Another morning and another motivational email from my manager.

Nothing grinds my gears more than all these unathletic fat body managers and directors that love to use sports metaphors in their BS motivational talks.

They know nothing about the dedication and commitment it takes to be an athlete. They don't know what real competition is or what its like to push through real blood sweat and tears.

I train everyday in the gym and compete in athletic fitness competitions and races. The gains I see in my training gives me so much more satisfaction and fulfillment than this crappy job. You can't liken delivering coffees, catering lunches, and getting sample signatures to any personal athletic achievement.

I hate these fat body managers. I don't want direction from anyone that can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.

As I cater today's lunch for an office full of pigs I will be thinking about the Al Pacino Inch by Inch speech.

W......T.....F...... are you talking about? This is so off subject I wonder if you can even read, let alone comprehend.

Another morning and another motivational email from my manager.

Nothing grinds my gears more than all these unathletic fat body managers and directors that love to use sports metaphors in their BS motivational talks.

They know nothing about the dedication and commitment it takes to be an athlete. They don't know what real competition is or what its like to push through real blood sweat and tears.

I train everyday in the gym and compete in athletic fitness competitions and races. The gains I see in my training gives me so much more satisfaction and fulfillment than this crappy job. You can't liken delivering coffees, catering lunches, and getting sample signatures to any personal athletic achievement.

I hate these fat body managers. I don't want direction from anyone that can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.

As I cater today's lunch for an office full of pigs I will be thinking about the Al Pacino Inch by Inch speech.
Hahaha, this is obviously a joke. I run a 7:30 mile and it has zero effect on gaining scripts.

Management (DM here) values reps that stay fit. Yes indeed, running a mile under 8 minutes is very commendable. In our business, however, we are measured by how much we sell. Whether or not your DM has baby fat, a pouch, a big ass (females), or is pear-shaped is not of concern to senior management. What counts is the BOTTOM LINE sales numbers not the 8 MINUTE MILE or 6 pack abs or 2 pack butt (female). You must be an uneducated or ill-trained Rep. Advise you contact HR for special remedial training of your grey matter.

All those pathetic posters probably are overweight reps who cant run a mile in even 10 minutes! A bunch oflosers. If I were a MD I wouldn't buy anything from a fat ass Rep with a pouch. Sorry you are just jealous that a woman can run like the wind and has a body that the guys cant take their eyes off.

HA HA Come Get Me!! My DM is a Backstabber who live in Central Pa. He says one thing but does the opposite. I don't trust him.

Stop the stupid posts. If you want us to do something then send the info directly to HR, and not via C-P where it is visible to all.

Directly from Company P&P:

"HR shall take steps to facilitate the correction of personnel issues between DMs and reps. Whenever allegations are made against SPECIFIC DMs it is HR's duty to come to the fore to OBJECTIVELY investigate the accusations."

Please do not make light of this. We in HR work weekends when necessary to IMPROVE inter-employee relations. And by that we are referring to non-sexual relationships., not orals.

This is a serious matter.

Another morning and another motivational email from my manager.

Nothing grinds my gears more than all these unathletic fat body managers and directors that love to use sports metaphors in their BS motivational talks.

They know nothing about the dedication and commitment it takes to be an athlete. They don't know what real competition is or what its like to push through real blood sweat and tears.

I train everyday in the gym and compete in athletic fitness competitions and races. The gains I see in my training gives me so much more satisfaction and fulfillment than this crappy job. You can't liken delivering coffees, catering lunches, and getting sample signatures to any personal athletic achievement.

I hate these fat body managers. I don't want direction from anyone that can't run a mile in under 8 minutes.

As I cater today's lunch for an office full of pigs I will be thinking about the Al Pacino Inch by Inch speech.

Oh you. Your training and dedication in the gym has brought you to the elite level that you pay to do mud runs and such that soccer mom's participate in. But that big pro contract is just around the corner sport. Life is gonna be hard for you sally. You think doctors care about your mile times, or how big a reps rack is, hell no they just want to see you use that fast mile time to run the fuck away from them. Doctors get offended and ultimately mad because they see a young little hottie and think, "wow these pharmaceutical companies are that stupid to to think that will make me write their drug, whatever it is." And let me write your reply for you, your an old fatty that never stepped foot in a gym cause you were home with your cats and nerd friends playing dungeon and dragons, I have the ma's and docs wanting a piece of me. Oh little simpleton, your adorable your the one we like to help managers seek excellence else where.
If you wonder who we are, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan......

Oh you. Your training and dedication in the gym has brought you to the elite level that you pay to do mud runs and such that soccer mom's participate in. But that big pro contract is just around the corner sport. Life is gonna be hard for you sally. You think doctors care about your mile times, or how big a reps rack is, hell no they just want to see you use that fast mile time to run the fuck away from them. Doctors get offended and ultimately mad because they see a young little hottie and think, "wow these pharmaceutical companies are that stupid to to think that will make me write their drug, whatever it is." And let me write your reply for you, your an old fatty that never stepped foot in a gym cause you were home with your cats and nerd friends playing dungeon and dragons, I have the ma's and docs wanting a piece of me. Oh little simpleton, your adorable your the one we like to help managers seek excellence else where.
If you wonder who we are, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan......

Who said anything about thinking that the doctors care about mile run times? Who said anything about doctors care about reps being fit or attractive?

My axe to grind is having a chubby, unathletic manager who has clearly never played a day of sports in his life chronically shooting out sports related motivational emails. Maybe he was the scorebook keeper for his kids little league, maybe, but he himself has has clearly does not do any type of athletic activity. You wanna send out these motivational emails, fine, then keep it business related. The second I see a sports related metaphor or quotes of speeches from sports movies, he's lost all credibility.

Oh you. Your training and dedication in the gym has brought you to the elite level that you pay to do mud runs and such that soccer mom's participate in. But that big pro contract is just around the corner sport. Life is gonna be hard for you sally. You think doctors care about your mile times, or how big a reps rack is, hell no they just want to see you use that fast mile time to run the fuck away from them. Doctors get offended and ultimately mad because they see a young little hottie and think, "wow these pharmaceutical companies are that stupid to to think that will make me write their drug, whatever it is." And let me write your reply for you, your an old fatty that never stepped foot in a gym cause you were home with your cats and nerd friends playing dungeon and dragons, I have the ma's and docs wanting a piece of me. Oh little simpleton, your adorable your the one we like to help managers seek excellence else where.
If you wonder who we are, it doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan......

Your jealousy shows thru your post. You must be a big overstuffed fatty who cant even do 10 situps! OMG what a loser. I only meant to point out the fact that my DM is a an out of shape weasel. My fitness metaphor should be obvious unless your command of prose is limited. Get a life my friend. We are probably on the same page and frustrated with our DMs.

Your jealousy shows thru your post. You must be a big overstuffed fatty who cant even do 10 situps! OMG what a loser. I only meant to point out the fact that my DM is a an out of shape weasel. My fitness metaphor should be obvious unless your command of prose is limited. Get a life my friend. We are probably on the same page and frustrated with our DMs.

DM's should be seen and not heard!!!!

I agree with the above post. DMs ,show your face! Let all of us know what YOU have done to help grow the company or have you just checked off boxes to collect a paycheck? Ask yourself this...How many reps have you helped succeed and grow with the company or have you just let reps fend for themselves?????

I agree with the above post. DMs ,show your face! Let all of us know what YOU have done to help grow the company or have you just checked off boxes to collect a paycheck? Ask yourself this...How many reps have you helped succeed and grow with the company or have you just let reps fend for themselves?????

As a manager (RD) I expect all DMs and Reps to follow company P&P. Faking calls and just sitting in the parking lot napping is a grounds for dismissal. Any DM or Rep who sees wrongdoing is
obligated to report it to HR. Yes HR does monitor this site but YOU must contact them confidentially with all the details of the infraction. You will be rewarded for your loyalty to the company.

I have to ask, What MORON of a manager says "just be happy that you have a job" That is not management quality at all. Sounds like the DM is not a leader and should not be in that position.

My DM looks the other way. He is well aware of what reps on our team are faking calls and not working. He says "just be happy that you have a job"

I am an RD monitoring this site for the Company. Yes the DM who said that should be reported to HR AND his RD. He at a minimum needs an 'attitude adjustment'. We know HR is very good at that. If he continues he will be on a PIP. Failure to improve will lead to a job opening for one of his Reps to become a DM. As a manager I recommend you CONFIDENTIALLY pass along his id to HR.

HR defends managers at all cost. Poor reviews after getting a new territory.
Ask the gal up North who got Harlem as a territory. She came to HR and said she didn't feel safe in the new territory. They told her, "you are as safe in Harlem as you would be in Beverly Hills". She is now on PIP. HR promises non retaliation...yea right.

That's what my DM did to 3 of his reps in Pa. He looks the other way when he knows the problem. He never takes blame for knowing the illegal activities going on.