He goes by Vinnie, and he is connected! Well.....he thinks he is a Gangster but reality is, just an ordinary sap looking to be accepted. Too bad, he would make a great wife.

Yes. He calls HR when he feels threatened, then he talks to his team to have them turn on you. My friend just got fired and Vince played dumb. Mike is his name who got cut, and he thought Vince was his friend.

Johns behavior is worse than Vince's. How does HR let JM continue with his "straying" ways. While it is his personal business and only his w*fe should really care, he is still representing this company. Many people from other companies, offices, etc. know about JM's reputation, so doesn't it make our company look bad when a female rep, dm, dr.'s staff(or any female for that matter) has an "encounter" with him, (thinking he's single then finding out the truth)

Is Vince really the problem?

Yes he is. I saw Vince at a meeting say to a DM, "we need to get rid of that guy". I too am a DM, and explained to the group of managers after Vince left. Believing a DM who speaks like that is like believing Charles Manson. All 4 of us agreed not to push forward with Vince's request. His actions are poor at best. Glad I moved with my wife and kids to the west coast to get away from him.