
A shell beaten down by Acclarent and then JNJ-still an asshole, but if you know him you know that about him. Still threatening plan to try and show he has any control. Humiliating to get passed over as VP for Salkeld. He may have been a something at Acclarent, but JNJ thinks he's toxic...tic toc....[/QUOT

How does he never get in trouble with HR JNJ anyway? I mean the way he conducts himself on the road come on!!!! How does he get away with that behavior??

A shell beaten down by Acclarent and then JNJ-still an asshole, but if you know him you know that about him. Still threatening plan to try and show he has any control. Humiliating to get passed over as VP for Salkeld. He may have been a something at Acclarent, but JNJ thinks he's toxic...tic toc....

Supposed to be interviewing with this manager any suggestions?

How does acclarent do in Boston? Is the market saturated or is their an opportunity to make good money? Is this manager everyone is bashing the person who covers Boston? Not that I really care. Managers 9 out of 10 times are going to be tough. Its sales.

Let him impress you with his favorite subject-himself. Pretend to be impressed and try not to laugh in his face and the job is yours.

I was reading through this blog as I had an upcoming interview as well. Are all these comments about this one manager true? I have an interview scheduled soon any other advice you can offer up?

I like her as a person, but she is not a good manager. She has no pulse on what is actually happening in her region. She is fed a lot of BS just so the other reps keep her off their backs. When will JNJ cut her loose? She is getting the shit beat out of her by the competition - but she refuses to change her malicious ways of managing her people and her accounts. Personally, I don't want to see her get let go - but it is inevitable.

She's lucky she's had strong reps 'cause she is not a strong manager, it's finally showing. Hearin' alot about managers in NE and SW on the chopping block too, so I'd say the post above is accurate that JNJ wants her out.

She's lucky she's had strong reps 'cause she is not a strong manager, it's finally showing. Hearin' alot about managers in NE and SW on the chopping block too, so I'd say the post above is accurate that JNJ wants her out.

"Some bosses take credit for others' work because they lack emotional intelligence and they don't realize how demoralizing it is for employees to be deprived of credit for their accomplishments," says Janet Scarborough Civitelli, workplace psychologist with

A page out of the Acclarent management training book but the article forgot to mention these managers suck and couldn't buy an original idea.

He's broke as a joke, worked for JNJ before & needs to rack up the years towards retirement because no other company will hire him. Threatening reps is all he has left.[/QUOT
Do you have any advice for my scheduled upcoming interview with Mr. Linagen? If hired any advice working under him? I consider myself an over-achiever does he threaten everyone? Thank You.