First of all your a disgrace to feel the need to highlight ones gender it just shows how small minded you are, or the lack of education provided to you as a child, the world is not black and white, your way or my way thankfully the UN recognises over 70 genders and your ignorance or poor education is why you are a operator earning 450 a week in a job you obviously hate because if you were educated you would understand the reality that this virus kills people and I would hope the company can at the very least protect the community in which they are based and protects its staff better
Firstly, nobody cares about what you just said about genders. No matter how educated or not you are. Secondly, without operators Abbott wouldn't be there. Lastly, to state €450 a week as an operator sounds like you're either a bum muncher who worked their way up or office staff in which case, well done to your parents for putting you through college and hopefully you enjoyed working from home through this.