Abbott Vascular Clonmel

Report away where's your evidence bitch it's not the younger generation that will be hit it's the old & weak you go cocoon for two weeks I'll go fly to Spain & if anyone asks ya Tramore was lovely just the break I needed

I heard there was staff meeting last night what they said about taking people back on ? I heard that they gona take us at the end of year or beginning next year and the second person told me September or October???

I heard there was staff meeting last night what they said about taking people back on ? I heard that they gona take us at the end of year or beginning next year and the second person told me September or October???
Don't be listening to hearsay. People are full of shit. That weekend shift is here to stay. Abbott have been trying for years to get it up and running. Will definitely keep it saying everyone is working for 13% less than They should be...
Why is it that every other factory except for next door Boston are paying €750+ for 3 cycle shift. Abbott should really look after us. I would definitely leaving but it's do close to home I have to stay.

Well if we received the proper training it wouldn't happen when was the last time anyone said tools down we are training for an audit it never happens they put their pets in to answer questions & they swarm around like clinkers hanging from arse hairs with their clipboards trying to look professional the twat brigade god help the day someone says ? that's all folks

They take certain people to be idiotic if they only took the time to train people properly & build people's confidence instead of putting them down there's a group of 4 or 5 on our line smiling laughing at each other it's all fake their your best friend but turn your back the knifes come out one in particular Blonde Barbie leaves her husband to be played by a Lithuania lad he has some clown made of her & she deserves it all a proper tramp

They take certain people to be idiotic if they only took the time to train people properly & build people's confidence instead of putting them down there's a group of 4 or 5 on our line smiling laughing at each other it's all fake their your best friend but turn your back the knifes come out one in particular Blonde Barbie leaves her husband to be played by a Lithuania lad he has some clown made of her & she deserves it all a proper tramp

Click click.... oops, was looking for Barbie

They take certain people to be idiotic if they only took the time to train people properly & build people's confidence instead of putting them down there's a group of 4 or 5 on our line smiling laughing at each other it's all fake their your best friend but turn your back the knifes come out one in particular Blonde Barbie leaves her husband to be played by a Lithuania lad he has some clown made of her & she deserves it all a proper tramp

Rats rats and more rats..... supervisors young ones auld ones makes no odds in that place your fu*ckin surrounded by rats!!! Workers treated like shit and still some of them going around licking supervisors assholes clean for what an extra 30 cent haha!! Fake clowns !#lipfillerforlife