Abbott Vascular Clonmel

I see some companies are giving one4all vouchers to essential workers up to the value of €300. I wonder will the lot we work for do something similar. Also some companies give all essential workers a 10% payrise during the emergency our lot give 30 euro voucher for canteen and bottle of hand sanitiser. Companies should realise when they give peanuts they get a disengaged workforce which is probably why we have seen nearly 400 posts on here since the start of the pandemic treating people like robots and given them nothing everyone who turned up for work did so at own risk and have kept supply up making abbott billions of dollars worth of product in the process, its a shame we work for people who treat people like a commodity or a number and not people. Most multinationals are like this in Ireland anyway because they get away with it. Can you imagine if they tried this in France or Germany

So now they are giving us face masks. They should have been doing that from the start other workplace were.
How is it going to work. Where do we put face mask when in the canteen? On the table then just put it back on. Unless they give us something to store it in cross contamination will happen.
We will just have to wait and see

When are they going to let us know about sales and how strong clonmel is going. It would be nice to know how secured our jobs are. The not knowing what's going on is a pain. Is there much call for our products at the moment?

Don't you know that wee are told nothing the less we know the better for them. They love knowing that we are worried about our jobs. They don't care. They have Cheap labor. All ops should be earning the best part of 700pw Abbott are the worst to pay for a pharma company compared toDto others around Ireland. Delighted to see shares dropping.

Abbott in Sligo have a successful union. Just saying

does anyone know what's the story with us temps ? Are they going to take us back ? Heard they might need people back after shut down in August?
Ye no longer work in Abbott move on with yer lives no hires until next year at the earliest hospitals have been closed worldwide for over 3 months backlogs are been cleared quickly if anything more will be left go in September

Who's this BOLLOCKS telling people move on with their lives you fucking rat good workers were left go on short notice unlike some of the fulltime lazy bastards who are carried on a daily basis by others

Who's this BOLLOCKS telling people move on with their lives you fucking rat good workers were left go on short notice unlike some of the fulltime lazy bastards who are carried on a daily basis by others
The one's that are here years are the ones to watch out for. Sneaky as fxxk. I've noticed a few singing like a canary To sups and anyone higher than them just to keep in with them. Them don't give a flying F about us little ones. People need to observe others more and watch the singing Canary's. All for that 1% more. WHY. Life's too short. ; )

Ye no longer work in Abbott move on with yer lives no hires until next year at the earliest hospitals have been closed worldwide for over 3 months backlogs are been cleared quickly if anything more will be left go in September

You're such a f*cking idiot, it already has been said that they all gonna be taken back by the end of this year.

Did not hear nothing bout staff been taken back maybe we work in different areas but if they are such brilliant workers they should find a job no problem and move on and forget Abbott who treated them awfully by not making them permanent and letting them go when contract end it will be another 3 or 4 years without a permanent job why would they come back I was talking to at least 3 people and they have no interest in coming back as they found other jobs

Ye no longer work in Abbott move on with yer lives no hires until next year at the earliest hospitals have been closed worldwide for over 3 months backlogs are been cleared quickly if anything more will be left go in September

Des will launch skypoint in September, vc will launch new pro glide in January, all targets go up after the shut down. We are already short people on vc so I dont know how you don't see that people must be taken back

Des will launch skypoint in September, vc will launch new pro glide in January, all targets go up after the shut down. We are already short people on vc so I dont know how you don't see that people must be taken back
Abbott are getting too much of grants from the government to reduce staff numbers. And having temps they get more grants when they take on on contracts. They just did what all factory do when breaking contracts.
Will be interesting to see what happens after the shut down. People are planning on going away but saying nothing guess looking for a little sunshine. They won't be isolating for 14 after. That's when we will see abbott staff spredders of covid : (

Abbott are getting too much of grants from the government to reduce staff numbers. And having temps they get more grants when they take on on contracts. They just did what all factory do when breaking contracts.
Will be interesting to see what happens after the shut down. People are planning on going away but saying nothing guess looking for a little sunshine. They won't be isolating for 14 after. That's when we will see abbott staff spredders of covid : (

They shouldn't be allowed to go abroad this year. People should stop being selfish bast*rds I want to go for holidays too but if there is slightest bit of chance I can bring back covid to ireland I rather stay at home and go next year.

Only thing to do is report them ... We all had to give up our holidays this year .. so everyone needs to stay home .. this is seriously gonna kick off again and it's the younger age group it will hit next .

Who gives a shit anymore people will do what they want their right too Abbott don't give a FUCK about their employees so why should we give a FUCK about Abbott my plans are made like many others sun sea & plenty of booze shur we have face masks to wear when we come back not long to go know before we jet off can't wait