At ADC, we just call it the "power of positive thinking". Don't worry about hitting the ball, where the ball might go, or the score of the game. BE THE BALL! That's it! Why, at ADC, if we looked at the numbers, we'd all be like you. Instead, we all quote ABT share prices, or the headline from a recent Abbott press release. BE THE BALL, and DON"T LOOK AT THE SCORE BOARD!
I doubt we wud be friends if we worked 2gether u r so out of touch with people its not even funny. Sorry man the best way 2 motivate people in clonmel is 2 offer us a severence package so we can get out of the hell hole that we are in. I would say the lack of promotion of people is terrible so people know that whatever they do in Clonmel the only opportunity people have in Abbott is 2 do they same repetitive stuff second after second, minute after minute, hour after hour, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year and yes even decade after decade. This is a sad existence for any human being or any animal most of us will die of boredom. The only challenge I have come across in Clonmel was clocking in everyday. Even the pay is terrible for the amount of horse manure we have to listen 2. Prisoners are better treated than operators in Clonmel and that is not right I cannot speak for Engineers but I know that they also get underpaid which is why alot of the good ones leave. I look forward 2 d day I do not have 2 go n dere anymore but because of some stupid reason they think people like it there they are totally out of touch and the only reason why people stayed with them for so long was because the recession now that we are in recovery the job market is slow and with people been there at least 5 years it is difficult for people 2 go on minimum wage and 2 start fresh somewhere else so people need a severence to leave so they can have that security 4 putting up with everything 4 so long. in the words of Mel Gibson in the film Braveheart . THEY CAN TAKE OUR LIVES BUT THEY WILL NEVER TAKE OUR FREEDOM. I can honestly say that everyday I hope we get a bad recall so it wud crush dem so badly that I wud be left go that is my dream they go on and on about built has if intended for my family. I really do not care aslong as I GET MY WAGES. I have told my family not 2 accept an abbott stent and 2 take1 from a differnt company if a choice is availabe because I tell them what happens on d line.[
Uneducated Laborer tries to hang with Pharma reps Go on Strike big Tonys taking care
of business