It is not amazing. It is the truth and I have seen worse things than that one day I was on the wrong machine setting for about 3 hours so roughly passed about 130 parts qc came down and just told me to change it and she did not mention it to engineering because she needed to finish at half 7 on a friday so I avoided an exemption and a slap on the rist and them parts went into the market place and this happens on a regular basis and not to apparently it is next to impossible to get a recall for stent manufacturing because the lots are so big that 15% of lots have to kill someone and given you might only have 1 or 2 complaints a month. All regulators care about is money and we know abbott make over $1000 per final product can you imagine everyone has a price FDA, SHINGO, and even the employee so everyone turns a blind eye and gets on with it sometimes I wonder do they believe their own lies or have they not got a brain in that head they will never brainwash me. I cant speak up in my job because I will be shown the door and when I do speak up they make up some excuse to justify it so I dont care anymore just go in do my 8hours and go home my opinion does not matter also I heard when we were filling out Shingo forms on computer they went in after we logged off and changed all the answers to make the company look good someone told me that close to a manager because they were promised new products this year if they got shingo the site could not take the risk of not getting shingo prize so they cheated everyone on site and I call that fraud by signing someone elses name to a legal form.
get lost slacker quit if you don't like it !