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Abbott under criminal investigation

Now we are being investigated by the FTC and SEC for the baby formula fiasco . Our stock price cratered today and the Similac leaders are still on the payroll! SOS! Come on Board of Directors fire the bums!

How can this company and its leadership be so awful and cruel towards babies? This is the most disturbing story to come out of the healthcare industry in decades. Ford should be put away for life.

How can anybody support Abbott products: besides the death by `product` Executives also support Israeli genicide - shameful Daniel S - EVP Nutrition and EPD

How can anybody support Abbott products: besides the death by `product` Executives also support Israeli genicide - shameful Daniel S - EVP Nutrition and EPD

Get off Tik Tok dumbass. Abbott’s products suck and so does its leadership. This has nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. Don’t try to rope in your Jew hatred to this.