Abbott Nutrition

Yes. I know if at least 6. All from ANHI.

So B.M. is gone among others. He had his issues but who are these psychos going to rely on at this point to get accurate knowledge regarding the marketplace.

Knowledge used be king I guess it means nothing to the folks running the show. Lost so many good people over the past few months. Guess forced retirement is a good thing M.B. Remember as quickly as you climb up it will be even quicker on the way down, and it's coming real soon.

Place is a farce hope I go the same way soon. Would love to collect unemployment and get a package.

Your kidding about BM. If he is the voice of reason for the sales team then we are in more trouble. He didn't have a clue what worked. When he was a dm his district went to hr to log a formal complaint. When he was a rm, DM saw quickly that it wasn't going to work and made him step down. He is a nice guy who didn't play well with others. Have a great retirement.

Your kidding about BM. If he is the voice of reason for the sales team then we are in more trouble. He didn't have a clue what worked. When he was a dm his district went to hr to log a formal complaint. When he was a rm, DM saw quickly that it wasn't going to work and made him step down. He is a nice guy who didn't play well with others. Have a great retirement.

So the DM who was an RM had a BM. Why do we need to know about this?

I dont know why everyone is so unhappy. This is a great job with a great leadership team running the show. We have innovative products that help babies through adults. I come home everyday feeling fulfilled and proud from what I accomplished. I have an iphone, an Ipad a laptop and a brand new company car. What can be better. Lets show some appreciation my friends and stop complaining.

I dont know why everyone is so unhappy. This is a great job with a great leadership team running the show. We have innovative products that help babies through adults. I come home everyday feeling fulfilled and proud from what I accomplished. I have an iphone, an Ipad a laptop and a brand new company car. What can be better. Lets show some appreciation my friends and stop complaining.

I appreciate the endless spreadsheets that don't matter. I appreciate coming home after feeling good about myself to have a 1000 emails from management telling me how horrible I am. I appreciate the webcam they have use for endless conference calls that they call to go over the same material they just emailed me 500 times and had a meeting about for a week. I appreciate being told how that I can run my territory like it is my business while in the same breath being told how much and where to spend my gratis and have this as part of my goals and as part of TMS. Are you high?
They also give monkeys food, a hat, and chain on their collar and tell them to dance for their treat. So enjoy your new car, your iPad and your iPhone which by the way Ped reps don't get. Only managers do, so get off CP and stop acting like a grateful slave.

More will let go especially the older people. The longer the service the higher the benefits. Cost reduction is the name of the game. Buckle up and get ready for the next round this coming months until 2015.

The division is in great shape. I will agree that the current direction puts us in a vulnerable position. Upper mgt is focusing on short term goals and putting the long term in jeopardy. I thought I could have a career here (after 3 different jobs in this industry) but it doesn't look good.