Abbott Nutrition

U English? Well said whoever you are.
When is the company going to do 360s on the pathetic management team or do something to hold them accountable for their performance!! There is a mgr in NJ who questions a member of his team while he is out on disability with cancer! what a piece of shit. If he actually cared about his team instead of trying to fire everyone of them, (and they are a high performing team without him) then he might have a little bit of respect from the customers (who I'm sure HATE him) and people who dont want to work with him!

It seems to me most of the Abbott Nutrition posts complaining about the management are from the peds side. Are the adult nutritional reps just as frustrated?

I suppose if the adult side let bugs get into their product and destroy the trust of the brand and then the management in an attempt to save their positions started running sales people out of jobs, they would be unhappy as well. So, right now I would suppose they are fine.

You are watching the implosion of a once great company..good job DV.

Can you believe that NE Abbott Nutrition RD has promoted that wet behind the ears no experienced” suck up” to be regional sales trainer, he has never trained anyone, but I tell you what qualifies him for the JOB, his father is connected. Of course that A** kisser RD (Big Bird) won't object. He is so cowardly he tells the entire region "I don't want to know about it or hear about it, but you better be POF'ing at least 5 nurses in every hospital." It’s the reps who have to take the OEC risk, and he reaps the rewards, must be nice. Rep’s are terrified to blow him in! Did anyone else also notice that he only hires young female manager?