Abbott Nutrition

Well he did such a good job with his old district he need to be rewarded with the top district in the country. That's ok he'll figure out a way to screw that one up too. Hello Uncle Myles, I need you to bail me out again

Poor milkmaid. Seriously how hard is it to sell milk. I heard you guys just give it away. Stop complaining because your really not qualified to sell anything else.

So true. It's a commodity. I worked at AN for 6 months and left as fast as I could. No real selling involved. No real selling metrics. Terrible management, probable due to upper managements lack of aptitude and leadership. The training is horrible. Direction at all levels is by bullying and intimidation. I'd agree "Stop complaining because.." you can leave..the sooner, the better.

it has been widely known that the NY area drives a large portion of the countries profit. What the company doesn't know that 2 maybe 3 key reps will be leaving within the next few months. Reason for them leaving? Can't take the micro-managing any longer. Sick and tired of all the bs and lack of respect we get from management. Keep pecking away at our salaries and bonuses. You don't think we see what your doing? Pay attention mgt., this could fall apart very fast.

So true. It's a commodity. I worked at AN for 6 months and left as fast as I could. No real selling involved. No real selling metrics. Terrible management, probable due to upper managements lack of aptitude and leadership. The training is horrible. Direction at all levels is by bullying and intimidation. I'd agree "Stop complaining because.." you can leave..the sooner, the better.

I've never seen it written any better. This describes the position to a tee.

it's funny how mgt doesn't realize a happy sales force is a productive one and an unhappy goes through the motions. I'm sitting here this morning wondering why I should even leave the house, oh yeah I forgot, "It's Pediasure Day"

So true. It's a commodity. I worked at AN for 6 months and left as fast as I could. No real selling involved. No real selling metrics. Terrible management, probable due to upper managements lack of aptitude and leadership. The training is horrible. Direction at all levels is by bullying and intimidation. I'd agree "Stop complaining because.." you can leave..the sooner, the better.

I agree, yes, this seems to describe company management culture (AbbVie, included) to a tee. Why is bully politically incorrect in the schoolyard, but AOK here?

Mgt here is no different than the rest of the industry. Hiring immature managers has been going on in pharma for years. For years formula reps turned down advancement because the DM position was so demanding. The few that wanted to move up spent quite some time in the field and had a good sense of the industry when they were finally promoted.
Unfortunately we forget that there are very few good mgrs. that find the balance between their reps and upper mgt. There is always somewhat of disparity between reps. and mgt regarding the reality of the marketplace. Today's climate shows weak sales mgt in dealing with marketing and training. Sales used to dominate the organization. Now marketing dictates.

it has been widely known that the NY area drives a large portion of the countries profit. What the company doesn't know that 2 maybe 3 key reps will be leaving within the next few months. Reason for them leaving? Can't take the micro-managing any longer. Sick and tired of all the bs and lack of respect we get from management. Keep pecking away at our salaries and bonuses. You don't think we see what your doing? Pay attention mgt., this could fall apart very fast.

This says it all.

Thanks for the laugh. Too bad these kind of bs quotas, metrics and gold star incentive programs are now rampant throughout the organization as if we are monkeys in an clinical trial gone wrong. I left sales years ago (and this was one of the reasons) and I still have to put up with this because the bean counters are running the show and they don't have a frikkin clue on how to do anything else, or what it takes to do the actual work.

Wayne Kersall
Thanks for the laugh. Too bad these kind of bs quotas, metrics and gold star incentive programs are now rampant throughout the organization as if we are monkeys in an clinical trial gone wrong. I left sales years ago (and this was one of the reasons) and I still have to put up with this because the bean counters are running the show and they don't have a frikkin clue on how to do anything else, or what it takes to do the actual work.

When is management finally going to realize that their business model is bankrupt. Not understanding the needs of the customer and actually blaming the customer for serious strategic errors that were made by management/marketing. How many hospitals will it take. Everyone covering their butts on a huge loss coming in New Jersey.

Management is inept. Can't close hospital systems even after the reps do their jobs and hand them what they need on a silver platter even with their corrupt strategies. So they resort to spreadsheets, calls counting, stupid spending and "initiatives". Meanwhile, MJ is gaining ground in China even after they were caught and fined for buying business in hospitals. how much more inept can AN management be? So blame reps, that's the answer.

I blame people like PY and BR before him for what's going on. The old Ross guys who know what to do but go along to protect their own asses. They know what needs to be said but won't.
They sit there watching a once strong sales organization go down.

it's funny how mgt doesn't realize a happy sales force is a productive one and an unhappy goes through the motions. I'm sitting here this morning wondering why I should even leave the house, oh yeah I forgot, "It's Pediasure Day"

Do us a favor slacker, stay home so my stock will go up. Don't come back ever!
Lazy ass rep you all are

Management is inept. Can't close hospital systems even after the reps do their jobs and hand them what they need on a silver platter even with their corrupt strategies. So they resort to spreadsheets, calls counting, stupid spending and "initiatives". Meanwhile, MJ is gaining ground in China even after they were caught and fined for buying business in hospitals. how much more inept can AN management be? So blame reps, that's the answer.


They hired you, a lazy bastard that can do nothing but blame others for the place they end up..

Listen - all of you guys complaining about how bad it is, leave! The rest of this board will better off without you. I would prefer to hear about constructive debate on making it better than here about people saying how bad they have it. Grow up.

Listen - all of you guys complaining about how bad it is, leave! The rest of this board will better off without you. I would prefer to hear about constructive debate on making it better than here about people saying how bad they have it. Grow up.

Yeah you're right. Can you help me put together a 3 month 6 month and long term plan for 19 cal. I'm losing 2 hospitals because I haven't produced enough clinical data. The new caloric distribution is a wonderful idea and thought maybe you might have some insights.