You bring up a great point.
that’s why they’re pushing PCPs to do prior auths adding more work onto an already busy office. It’s not about giving patients more savings. If your PA gets denied then the patient is left to pay $75 or even more. Doctors offices are required to submit private info into a non secure website for marketing to just ignore. I’ve worked in pharma and I’ve never seen a patient support program NOT be able to tell us how many people are getting their PAs approved. All they give a shit about is looking good in front of sociopaths while hiding the real concerns from the field and patients who worry how their info is getting protected on a non secure website. Marketing is blaming their agency for their own inability to run a proper patient support program. Don’t fault Mercalis or trial card. If you hired an agency to build your website you should have made sure to include into the contract the ability to manage and make sure this program is working. Losers. Don’t ask us to push a program no one believes in. Major Rehaul is needed for everyone’s sake.